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Planetary combinations

This article will stress of various planetary combinations and their effects on us

We will first understand what each planet does

Sun-Health,energy,bones,stomach,intestines,government,power and authority,solar plae

Moon-Blood,Mother,properties,left eye.lungs and heart

Mars-Lands,leadership,bone marrow,flesh in our body,t-cells and b-cells,younger sibblings

Mercury-Skin,communications,internet,documents,learning and developing skills

Jupiter-dharma,temples,moral values,teachers,gurus,Cholestrol

Venus-Beauty,luxury,semen,relationsips,partners,blood(which is pure)

Saturn-Diseases,elder sibllings,pain,fear,sorrow,career

Rahu-Black magic,heavy vehicles,ulta voilet rays,bombs,drugs,import


Now using these varioius combination we can understand how these planets have an effect on the human beings and other living creatures

Sun-Mercury=Nipuna yoga

Sun-Jupiter-Dakshnia murthi yoga

Mars-Saturn-Unmada yoga

Jupiter-Mercury-Guru-Sishya yoga

Saturn-Ketu-Sharadha Yoga

Jupiter-Moon-Gaja Kesari Yoga

Jupiter-Mars-Guru-Mangala Yoga

Planets in the 12th from Moon-Anapha Yoga

Planets in the 2nd from Moon-Sunapha yoga

All planets occupy eve signs-Samudra yoga

Lakshmi Yoga- When the lords of the trikonas conjoin the lords of the kendras

Simhasana yoga-10th lord in 2nd or 2nd lord in 10th

Pisacha badha-Mars+Ketu

Sarpaganda Yoga-Rahu joins the 2nd house with Mandi

Vishaprayoga Yoga-The 2nd house should be aspected by malefics and the 2nd lord of Navamsa should be in cruel Navamsa

Bhratruvrudhi yoga-Mars should be in 3rd house or aspected by benefics. Even the 3rd lord is considered here

Sodaranasa yoga. Here the Mars should be in 8th or 3,5,7, houses and aspected by malefics

Dwadasa Sahodara yoga-If the 3rd lord is kendra and the Mars conjoined Jupiter and Jupiter is in Trikona from the 3rd lord

Middle life dhana yoga: The 2nd lord should posses (Kala Bala) here the Kala bala has to been in the 6 divisions and the 2nd lord should join the 11th house and the lagna lord and also it should be in kendra or trikona and aspected by benefics

Last part of life dhana yoga:The planets owning the 2nd and 11th lord together with a natural benefics to be placed in the lagna(This case applies to be as 2nd and 11th lord is Mercury and it is with lagna lord Sun in the 11th house and it with Moon a natural benefic and no benefic aspect)

Mathrumooladhana yoga: If the lord of the 2nd house is with the lord of the 4th house or aspeted by it will form this yoga

Putra Moola dhana yoga: Here if the lord of the 2nd is with the lord of the 5th or aspected by it or with Jupiter then this yog is formed

Satru Mooladhana yoga: This yoga is formed when the lord of the 2nd house is with the lord of the 6th house or with Mars then this yoga is formed where native earn money through his enemies

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