One of the limbs of Jyotish in Panchanga is Vara and here Vara refers to the day starting from Sunday and ending on Saturnday. We have 7 days in a week
Vara being weekday rises from the Sunrise and ends at the Sunset and here vara refers to STRENGTH TO PERFORM. The element associated with Vara is Agni tattwa(Fire element)
The day in which a native is born is considered to check the health of the native and here the lord of the Vara is Sun. In order to keep up good health the native has to workship the devata associated with the day in which he is born.
Following are the Vara Lords:
When we consider the Ghataka chakra to understand any incidents happening in our life we also consider the Ghataka vara from the Moon star in which we are born. Ghataka vara is that which causes ghata on the Janma rasi where health wise inauspicious events are predicted.Signs which receives ghatas from one vara of birth will indicate disease lor ailments where the native is destined to suffer
Let us pinpoint the Ghataka vara for the following Janma rasi
There are some days which are auspicious and these are:
While those born in the days associated with:
are considered inauspicious and needs to be remedied.
We have to see where the Vara lords are placed in the chart for understanding the health of the native.
Every limb of Jyotish is very important to understand and Vara is one of them. Just like we humans are either friends or enemies to other the same way the grahas are also friends and enemies to other grahas hence it is important to understand
Vara chakra gives us such an idea to understand which graha is enemy to which graha.Let us understand the concept using the below table:When Rahu conjoins a planet the result will be as follows as the graha is afflicted;
Sun conjoins rahu Venus gets afflicted
Moon conjoins rahu Saturn gets afflicted
Mars conjoins rahu Rahu gets afflicted
Mercury conjoins rahu Ketu gets afflicted
Jupiter conjoins rahu Sun gets afflicted
Venus conjoins rahu Moon gets afflicted
Saturn conjoins rahu Mars gets afflicted
Rahu hates Mercury
Ketu hates Jupiter
So far example let us say in chart we find that Sun is with Rahu then note that Venus is under threat as if we count the day Friday from Sunday Friday will be the 6th day.
If we see any of the charts if we find that a sign is having Sun and Venus then note that the Venus is destroyed and this required a remedy and the remedy lies in taking the numerological number of each graha and adding them together and check whether it is beyound 9 and if that is the case then remove multiplies of 9 and check the said graha is well placed and if that is the case then praying to that graha will bring benefits to the native
Let us take an example I found that a native is having Saturn and Moon in the 6th house in Vrsichika and this combination is not good combination as per the Vara chakra hence the remedy is must
Numerologically Moon is number 2 and Saturn is 8 hence the summing of these two coming to 10 and if we remove the multiplies of 9 we get 1 and here Sun is represented by 1 Hence the native is advised to pray to Surya devata or Siva to ensure that the problems shown in the 6th house of her chart is rectified..
Let us take another example
Native has Jupiter+Mars+Moon in her chart in the 7th house in Vrischika and among these planets Jupiter and Mars are creating Grahana Yoga. Hence to find out the remedy we need to add the numbers of Jupiter=3 and Mars=9 which comes to 12 and deducting 12 from 9 we get 3 whose graha is Jupiter itself.. Here we also find that Moon is also involved hence we have to add 2 to the number 3 and we give 5 which is the planet of Mercury hence praying to Mercury or Vishnu will help the native to comes out of the bad effects of the

na yoga caused in the 7th house of relationships...