Pakistan what next
In this article we will discuss about Pakistan and what is next and future of Pakistan

The chart is rising in Mesha rasi making the lagna as Mesha lagna and the lord of this rasi is Mars placed in the 3rd house of courage(Parakrama) in the dark sign Gemini. Lagnesh in the 3rd house makes the country very aggressive as Mars denotes military.
Mars is connected to Ardra Star whose lord is Rahu the airy planet hence it has become more volatile and here we find that Ra
hu is placed in the 2nd house of resources and sustenance on the sign of Taurus the natural 2nd house as per the zodiac. Rahu placement is not good for the sustenance of the country as it is against the natural karaka of the 2nd house Jupiter. 2nd house also is the house of speech and Rahu here denotes that the country overall use a very venomous language which can prove very detrimental to its sustenance. Rahu denotes foreign country hence the country depends for its sustenance on the foreign countries. We all know that Pakistan does not build anything on its own but rather depend on other countries for its survival. As 2nd is connected to money which is liquid cash Pakistan always in need of money from its partners for its survival.
Sun in the chart is controlling the 5th house of citizens and Sun is placed in the sign of Cancer and with its enemy planets like
Saturn and Venus. Here Saturn is the lord of the 10th house of karma and Venus is the lord of the 2nd a
nd 7th which is money and relationships...Saturn with Sun denotes poverty and health related issues to the citizens of the country and Sun with Venus all denotes enemity as Sun and Venus do not get along well as per the Natural relationships. Venus being the 7th lord denotes relationships and it also with Mercury whom it hates. Note that Mercury controls the natural 3rd and 6th house of zodiac and 3rd also denotes neighbouring countries. Here India is the neighbour of India and there is a long drawn battle between the two countries India and Pakistan
Jupiter is the lord of the 9th(baghya.Luck,government) and 12th house(enemity,losses) and is placed in the 7th house in the sign of Libra. Libra is the natural house of markets and relationships. Venus is neutral to Jupiter but Jupiter is a dire enemy of Venus. Note that India chart is rising with Taurus lagna whose lord is Venus....
Jupiter is the chara Amatyakaraka(signficator of career) and it is in the star of Visakha which means Jupiter is placed in its own star hence it is good for the nation as their sustenance depends on the relationships they carry with nations... A10 is rising with Jupiter in libra denoting that all their leaders are very wealthy living their citizens into poverty. See the Sun the 5th lord placement...
In the D9 chakra Rahu is in its own sign which denotes that the country is never peaceful and gets into troubles often. Rahu is an explosive planet and this also denotes that citizens are never happy and are troubled by bomb attacks.
Jupiter is badly placed in the 3rd house from Arudha lagna. Jupiter is the natural karaka for money and sustenance and a benefic planet like Jupiter cannot be placed in the 3rd from Arudha lagna as it is in the house of destruction. Jupiter is the planet for Jeeva(life) and being in this house denotes destruction of life..
The rising of the lagna in the D9 is Vrischika and the rising of lagna in rasi is Mesha and these two lagna lords are Mars hence the country is under military control even though we find that Moon is well placed in its own sign.. Moon is the planet of democracy and it is heavily afflicted by the presence of Sun(Amavasya dosha) and Saturn the dire enemy of Sun...
For the Mesha lagna rising for Pakistan the badhakasthana is Aquarius and this sign is controlled by two planets 1)Rahu 2)Saturn. Depending on the strength of these planets we have to see which houses are getting effected. Rahu is single in Taurus whereas Saturn is in 4th house with more planets making Saturn strong and Saturn is placed in the 4th house of happiness resulting in destruction of happiness.
Lagna is in Bharani star whose lord is Venus and Venus is in digbala in the 4th house ensuring that either North or South east direction of the country prospers . Lahore,Karachi,Islamabad are a very prosperous cities where we find that huge infrastructure is built. Venus denotes luxury. Venus is in the sign of Cancer which correspond to North direction and all these cities are placed in the North North east part of the country
Even we find that Mercury is well placed in the chart in the 4th house and it constitutes Digbala. East direction will be prosperous for the country and it will prosper in market and banking sectors and also business will prosper in these directions of Pakistan.
Dasa operating now will tell us the trends of the country and here we find that it is in Moon dasa with Saturn antar dasa. Moon and Saturn are placed in the 4th house of happiness and we know what is happening to the country at large. There is lot of poverty in the country.
On 18th August 2018 Imran Khan became the PM of Pakistan and the dasa operating is Moon-Jupiter..Taking Moon as lagna we find that Jupiter is in Kendra to Moon . On August 18th 2018 Moon was transiting the sign Libra where Jupiter is already placed forming Gajakesari Yoga. Imran Khan promised to uplift Pakistan from Poverty and gave big promises but could not realize. Jupiter denotes everything big...
Tajaka chakra of 2018

In the transit chart we find that 9th lord Venus is debilitated in lagna...Saturn is retro transiting 4th house ,Sun transiting 12th house denoting death like situation for the government and the leader at large and also Sun being the lord of the 5th house of Pakistan chart denotes even the citizens will face issues after the forming of new government..
The Tajaka chakra shows a different picture as we find that all planets are placed in the axis of Rahu and Ketu...Rising lagna here is Cancer with Rahu and Sun placed here with Mercury(R).Rahu has eclipsed Sun and Mercury...
The day when the swearing in ceremony was done was Tuesday whose lord is Mars and placed in the 7th house of the Tajaka chart in Capricorn exalted with Ketu forming Pisacha badhaka Note that the Mars is the lord of the lagna in the natal chart of Pakistan. The ultimate outcome is war mongering....
The present transit chart is as follows:

Moon is transiting the 3rd house of the natal chart and also transiting its own sign where it is placed. Moon is transiting Sampath Tara but under Vedha from Ketu...
Vedha means that if a planet is transiting a good sign but it is blocked by another planet transiting a bad sign and because of which the good results are blocked by a planet transiting a bad house. Here Moon is transiting its own sign which is good but Ketu even though is also transiting its own sign Vrischika is not good as Moon and Ketu are dire enemies hence any good results given by Moon is spoilt by Ketu. Sampath Tara denotes wealth related outcome and here wealth is blocked or the amount of wealth the native is expecting will be less as Ketu is small and also a moksha karaka. Here Ketu transiting 5th house denotes citizens of the nation will get agitated and mutiny can take place in public areas or the citizens may go against government or its policies.
Saturn the antar dasa is transiting 7th house from Moon and also transiting its own sign and also it is transiting the Sadhana Tara(Achievement) with no vedha to it. Saturn even though denotes achievement it is retro hence the country at large has to work hard in order to achieve its goals and here 7th denotes relationships with other countries.
Saturn antar dasa will be over by July 2021 be that of Mercury and here Mercury is lord of the 3rd and 6th with Mars the lagnesh denoting some good outcome. Initial transit of Mercury is not good as it will be transiting Naidhana Tara and after July 12th it will be Mitra and Param Mitra Tara..
If we consider the Mandooka dasa or Rudramsa dasa we find that Pakistan is in Pisces Mandooka dasa which is connected to 4th house in the D-11. Mandooka or Rudramsa dasa as we called it denotes death and destruction and waging of wars and as the sign Pisces in the Mandooka dasa is that of the 4th house of home/country/happiness/mother land and the sign direction is that of north-west we find that direction towards the north west of Pakistan will be troubled. The dasa is from 15.8..2019 till 14.8.2028..
Since its time of creation Pakistan has faced lots of issues like war,calamity,economic downtrend, collapse of the country, take over by militaries. Even though it considers itself as a democratic nation but still it is ruled by Military. Chart clearly gives indication of such issues for the country at large..
Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah|||