Navamsa Series-2
In my earlier article a brief introduction is given to the Navamsa( ) and in this article I would continue with that introduction.
As we know every sign of the rasi chakra constitutes of 30 degrees and to arrive at the degree of the Navamsa we will divide the 30 degrees of rasi with that of 9(Nava) to arrive at the degree of each Navamsa..Hence each of the Navamsa degree will be of 3d20m and we have 12 Navamsa when multiplied by 9 we get 108 Navamsas.
नवाशेशर ेतसमिसथर ेतवमिदतः।
उभय ेतप ंचमद े िरित िचयम् िवचकणौः।
द ेव नृरकैव चरिदषु गृह ेषु च॥
Each of the Navamsa division is assigned a rasi and the above sloka explains it.We all know that each sign is of Movable,Fixed and Dual nature. The same applies to Navamsa also and based on this the Navamsa chakra can be calculated and prepared.
Movable signs are:Aries,Cancer,Libra,Capricorn
Fixed signs are:Taurus,Leo,Scorpio,Aquarius
Dual signs are:Gemini,Virgo,Sagittarius,Pisces
So for all Movable signs the starting point will always be the sign itself
For al Fixed signs the starting point will always be the 9th from it
For all Dual signs the starting point will be the 5th from it.
So if we consider a planet placed in the rasi chakra in a movable sign say Rahu in Aries and in 10Ar04'34". then we need to see how this Rahu should be placed in the Navamsa and for this we need to calculate the placement as follows:
0-3d20 goes to Aries
3d20-6d40 goes to Taurus
6d40-10d0 goes to Gemini
10d0-13d20 goes to Cancer
As the degree occupied by Rahu is of 10Ar04'34" the placement of Rahu in the Navamsa will be in Cancer.
Let us take another example:Venus let us say it is in fixed sign and in Leo in 4Le26'20. As the sign is a fixed sign we need the 9th from Leo which comes to Aries of the Navamsa and the calculation is as follows:
0-3d20 goes to Aries
3d20-6d40 goes to Taurus
and here the Venus at 4d26 which means that Venus will go it Taurus Navamsa. The same can be calculated to all other planets.
In Navamsa the Prathama rasi is Aries,Dwitiya rasi is Taurus and Tritiya rasi is Gemini and the Trinities associated are Brahma for Movable,Vishnu for Dwitiya and Dual for Shiva. Planets placed in the above said rasi of the Navamsa denotes that the blessing of these Trinities will come to the native. In the same way if a planet is placed in the same sign as that of Rasi and Navamsa then it is called as Vargottama(Varda-Uttama) and the deity associated with the planet blesses the native. The native will be blessed with all the characteristics of the planet so placed;
Mercury-Good speech and communication
Venus-Will power and beauty
Moon-Strong mind
Ketu-Very intuitive and good at mathematics
Mars-Physical strength
Rahu-Going beyond the boundaries
Saturn-Able to take any pain
Lagna:Long life
Navamsa is always about dharma.There are 4 types of dharma in the society and these are the 4 pillars as per Jyotish:
1)Vishwa dharma
2)Rashtra dharma
3)Samaj dharma
4)Swa Dharma(This is applicable in this yuga as we all are selfish in nature and only think about ourselves)
to be continued
