In this article I will try and explain what is Navamsa and how to draw this varga chakra manually.
Apart from Rasi chakra which is the base chakra to draw and understand all other varga chakras Navamsa is also a varga chakra which is the extension of the rasi chakra. Navamsa is a divisional chart which is given utmost importance as it will tell us what is the luck we have carried from our past life. This varga chakra is also considered as Baghyamsa or in short it is called as D-9 (D refers to Divisional) .
We know that every sign is of 30 degrees and if we divide it by 9 we get 3d20m(3 degrees 20 minutes),Navamsa will show our birth circumstances hence it is considered one of the most important varga chakra along with D-60
D-9 shows our Prarabdha karma which we have to experience in this present life. Navamsa chakra will tell us how the hard the karma will be.
Navamsa lagna will tell us the blessings of our past life as we have already done a good thing in our past life.
Navamsa shows the marriage in general but this varga chakra cannot be restricted only to the marriage but Navamsa tells us everything about our luck.D-1 and D-9 should used parallely to understand what is store in our life.
Every divisional chart has a different area of life from which we can decipher the chart, in the same way D-9 is used understand as to when the native Baghya will rise as 9th is considered as house of baghya or luck.
Whether your have a luck or no luck in your life still you use D-9 chart to understand as to when is the age when your luck will rise. If for example your 9th house is Mars if it will placed in your D-9 then note that from the natural age of the Mars the baghya of the native will rise.
There are different groups assigned to different age of the life like
Janma group 1-20
Baghya group 20-50 (Sun 21-22 Moon 22-24 Venus 24-26 Mars 26-28 Mercury 28-30 Jupiter 30-35 Saturn 36-40 Ketu and Rahu 40-48 and then again a new group comes into picture starting from Sun)
When understanding as to when baghya is rising then check the 9th lord,planet in the 9th house,planet conjoining the 9th lord and the placement of the 9th lord in the Navamsa.
Lagna lord cannot be placed in 6,8,12 as native does not like to marry but the Lagna lord in the rasi chakra placed in 6,8,12 denotes poor thoughts and the native will gets depressed.
Planet in the Lagna of Navamsa or the trines to the Navamsa lagna will denote that skills you have carried from your past life and this denotes that native will get skills related to such planets very easily
Planets in the 2,6,10 of the Navamsa brings about money as it is the bhavas related to artha trikona
Planets in the 3,7,11 of the Navamsa is related to Kama trikona hence 7th house is very important of the Navamsa as it is related to the spouse who is going to into your life
Planets in the 4,8,12 of the Navamsa is related to Moksha Trikona as it is related to death and diseases here the 12th is related to exit from the world or losses related to the planet placed in these houses.
The bodily appearance of the native is seen from the placement of the lagna lord in the Navamsa and if the lagna lord of the D-9 when placed in the dusthanas in the rasi chakra then native will face health issues in his life..
To be continued...
