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Michael Jackson(King of Pop Music)

Born in the year 1958 and left this mortal world in the year 2009. His age at the time of his death was 51 years which denotes Madhya Ayush(36-72 Years). He is an icon in the field of Music and entertainment and also a very inspiring life from Rags to Riches. He mesmerized millions of his fans not only Outside India but within India also. The first album which I saw was when I was studying Degree and was very much mesmerized by his voice and the lyrics which he has sung and his Moon walk which thrilled millions of his fans all over the world.

His birth chart is prepared as per the information given in the astrotheme website. Link is given below:

Chart is rising with Meena lagna(Pisces) and the Navamsa lagna is Libra hence the axis of the lagna of rasi and Navamsa is 6/8 axis which is not good.The lagnesh is Jupiter conjoining with Rahu in the Libra sign and Rahu is with Navamsa lagna and it is Vargottama rahu...

For a person to become a singer and entertainer Moon,Mercury and Venus plays a very important role in the chart. Moon makes a person who signs very sweetly,Mercury is the words which the native uses during signing and Venus is the planet which entertains the audience by way of dancing and wearing attractive clothes..

Here in the chart we find Mars and Ketu are placed in the sign of Mesha(Aries) Mars is very strong in the chart but with Ketu has minimized the effects of the 2nd house..Mars is the 2nd house usually gives a base voice but when with Ketu has changed the base voice to a screechy voice


(skrēch)n.1. A high-pitched, strident cry.2. A sound suggestive of this cry: the screech of train brakes.v. screeched, screech·ing, screech· utter in a screech or high-pitched voice.v.intr.1. To cry out in a high-pitched, strident voice.2. To make a sound suggestive of a screech: Tires screeched on the wet pavement.

and Jupiter and Rahu are aspecting the 2nd house. Rahu aspecting 2nd house denotes the native will get habituated to use banned substance and Jupiter aspecting the 2nd house makes the person wealthy.(Jupiter is the karaka for the 2nd house the house of sustenance).Saturn is aspecting the 2nd house by Rasi dristi and it is aspecting the sign of its debilitation. Saturn during its periods will ensure that native has issues with respect to his wealth.

Mercury another planet of communication is retrograde and with 6th lord Sun does not go well as it is placed in the dusthana along with Dusthana lord. 6th,8th and 12th house are considered as the houses of Dusthanas(bad houses) and will do bad during their periods. Mercury is the lord of the 4th house(assets,mother,motherland) and lord of the 7th house(opposite people,spouse,relations and also death giving planet).Any planet which is in retrogression will give effects of the 7th house from itself. Hence Mercury is giving the result of 12th house. 12th house denotes losses,hospitals,death,renunciation.

Venus the lord of the entertainment is very nicely placed in the Trines and in the sign of the Cancer whose lord is Moon. Moon denotes society at large and crowds.12th house denotes going away from the birth place or leaving in a foreign land or different from the birth place.Before his death he lived in Los Angeles which is North west region of the USA. Moon denotes North direction and Moon is placed in the sign of Kumbha which controls the west direction as per the signs.

Death giving houses are 2nd and 7th and circumstances of the death to be seen in the 3rd from Arudha lagna(AL). Here we find that Venus is the lord of the 3rd and 8th house and the dispositor of Venus is Moon placed in the 12th from Natal lagna. Moon in the sign of Kumbha controlled by Rahu denotes that native would have died due to some contamination with respect to blood due to heavy dosage..Mars is strong being in the 2nd house with ketu denotes some mistake by a doctor or surgeon..

Planets placed in the signs have direct control over the affairs of the sign where as aspects have control on the signs they aspects depending on what is the percentage of control like every planets has total control over the 7th house(from their positions) hence it is 100% control, No planet would like to be removed from this mortal plane and 7th house is the house of Rudra one of the strongest sign related to death.

In the chart of MJ we find that Mercury is his badhakesa and Mercury denotes younger children. MJ was accused of assaulting children sexually in the year 1993..The period at that time was of Mercury Mahadasha.The case got closed in the year Sep 22nd 1994 and the antardasha period was that of Venus..Venus is well placed in the trines in the Rasi and Navamsa...

Hora lagna denotes money point and it will give us a clue as to how and when the money is earned by the native. HL is in the sign of Venus(entertainment) conjoining the lagnesh Jupiter and 12th lord Rahu..HL in the 8th sign denotes sudden wealth and also at the same sudden loss of wealth.HL(Hora lagna) is in the star of Visakha whose lord is Jupiter and Jupiter controls his lagna and 10th house and Bhrigu Bindu(BB) lord is also Jupiter. BB denotes the luck point in any chart..

His end came at the dasa periods of Ketu-Venus-Mercury.He died in the year June 25th 2009.

Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah|||

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