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Marriage delay or Denial

Marriage is an integral part of any individual and it is necessary for a person to get married in order to ensure that his lineage grows(Kula Vridhi) . Lot of factors are important in a natives chart to understand whether the native will get married or not. Let us take a chart of a famous bollywood actor who is sought after bachelor.

In this chart the lagna is rising in aries(Mesha) and the 7th from it is Venus and this Venus is placed in the 10th house along with Mars the lord of the 8th house which will tell us different things:

1)Native has lot of relationships which are bound to be painful and some sort of violence

2)8th lord Mars with Venus the lord of relationship in the 10th house denotes that all this will stem up from the career(place of his work)

3)In a male chart Jupiter is very important and here we find that Jupiter is in the 3rd house in retrograde and Jupiter is the lord of the 9th house and lord of the 12th house. Jupiter in the 3rd house is akin of Marana Karaka sthana and conjoined UL.

4)AL is the image of the person and in this chart it is Moon conjoining the 10th and 11th lord Saturn.This combination denotes that native is carrying some dirt with respect to his image as Saturn denotes dirt.

Moon is the chara darakaraka again placed with Saturn and in the natural house of badhaka and Jupiter is being aspected by Jupiter ensuring his image is somehow salvaged by not getting destroyed fully.

Venus the lord o the 7th house and the karaka for natural relationship is hemmed between two malefics Sun and Saturn.

Moon is placed in the star of Dhanishta whose lord is again Mars the lord of the 8th house.

Ketu is the lord of the 8th house and conjoined Mercury the lord of the 3rd house and dispositor of UL and lord of the 6th house(disease and celibacy) and both these planets are placed in the 8th house the house of delays and denials and past life karma.

In the D-9 chart 7th house lord is Venus badly placed in the 8th house(delays and denials). Jupiter which controls the marriage in the child of the male is again badly placed in the 12th house with Moon the dispositor of the A7.

In the rasi chakra Jupiter is badly placed in the 12th house from Arudha lagna hinting to some sort of rejections in his life.

Mercury the lord of the UL lagna is also his chara Atmakaraka in the 8th house denoting some karma from past life.


Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah|||


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