Marriage and 12th house connection
Marriage plays a important role in ones life and the natives 5th house will tell us to how the marital life of the native will be after marriage.
If the 7th house is the house of your partner and the reflection of your 12th house is the success of the marriage which is called as UL(Upapada lagna) then 12th house is the house of the actual marriage where the bride and Groom climbs the stairs of the place where the final wedding happens. In Hindu religion it is called as MANDAPAM and in western culture it is called as ALTAR
12th house when we call it is as house of marriage hence the 12th house is called as NESTA a type of priest who is playing a critical role in getting the couple married. Hence the planet in the 12th house is called as NESTA GRAHA. The type of priest who is performing the marriage is seen from the 12th house
Sun,Moon,Rahu and Venus are good NESTA GRAHAS and they are supported in the marriage. These planets play a role in timming to the marriage when their dasa become operative in the natives chart
Where as Jupiter is like you are getting married to a god and when Mercury is placed in12th house the you are marrying a kid or that person who is educated in lesser in age at the time of the marriage or Mercury is all about immaturity when Mercury is placed in the 12th house
7th from Venus will always tells us about marriage and 12th from lagna will tell us how easy is for the native to get married.
Hence if there is any good planet in the 12th from Venus ensures that native will get married easily and the same applies to the 11th from Venus.
If there are malefics before the marriage it is delayed while if malefics are placed after the Venus then marraige will break.
For child birth we have to see 5th from Venus and for proper guidance to the children we have to see 5th from Jupiter..
If there is any benefic planet in 8th house then also it will give marriage and it is upachaya from 6th house and jumps 2 signs...
Some examples

Lagna risig is Leo and 12th from there is Venus and Saturn..The first marriage is during the year 1977. The dasa period was that of Sun-Rahu-Mars. Here Rahu is the lord of the 7th house and also it is with A7. The native agai married in the year 20th Dec1993 and the time period was that of Mars-Saturn-Ketu. Again Saturn is also the co-lord of Aquraius sign and the antar dasa lord is placed in the 12th house of marriage...The third time he married in the year 22nd Jan 2005 and the time line is Rahu-Saturn-Moon where Saturn is the antar dasa lord and placed in the 12th house from the natal lagna

Here the lagna rising is Cancer lagna and the 12th house is Gemini with no planet in it..The lord is Mercury placed in the 2nd house along with the Sun in Leo..Rahu and Jupiter are aspecting the sign Gemini with Graha dristi and Mars is aspecting this sign with rasi dristi. Native got married on 11th Oct 197 Here we have to use the variant dasa Dwi-saptati sama dasa as the 7th lord is in lagna. The dssa operating is that of Mercury-Venus-Moon. Maha dasa lord Mercury is the lord of the 12th house and the antar dasa lord Venus is powerful placed in its own sign Lbra along with UL to give marriage.

The lagna rising is that of Cancer and the 12th house is Gemini and the lord is placed in the 4th house as the previous chart where the lagna rising is also Cancer. And also note that both the charts we find that all the planets are in Rahu-Ketu or Ketyu-Rahu axis. Native got married in the year 1st Jan 1994 and the time line is Jupiter-Venus-Rahu. Here we do not find any connection of Venus with the 12th house but Venus is with Rahu the lord of the Upapada lagna the bringer of marriage..