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Mandooka dasa

In this article we will discuss about Mandooka dasa which is used to predict death,destruction and diseases which can destroy a nation,country,person dependiing on the chart we will analyze

Mandooka means FROG and frog jumps and here we will understand how this chart works. This chart is also called as RUDRAMSA CHAKRA or Mandooka dasa

In this chart we have to see 1,8,10 to understand the longevity of the native or a country or a state which we have to see 3,6,11 to understand the longevoty of the native.

Aspects will shows who is going to protect or destroy the native or a country

Here we will see the chart of Pakistan and use D-11 chart

The chart is rising with Aquarius lagna and the lagna is with the 6th lord Moon denoting a direct enemity and the lagnesh which is Rahu is placed in the 3rd house of agression along with the 3rd lord Mars placed in its own sign. Rahu-Mars combination is deadly combination related to eplosions and fires.

As we need to check the 3rd,6th and 11th house to understand thelongevity and power of the enemy of the state or country and here the period of 15.08.2019 till 15.08.2026 we find that Cancer Mandooka dasa is operating and find that Jupiter is placed here and it is exalted making the enemy powerful and the 6th lord Moon is directly connected to lagna...The antar dasa is that Scorpio and the lord of this sign is Mars and Ketu and here we find that Mars is with Rahu making it strong and voilotile and here 3rd is also connected to the strength and agression of the enemy and the dasa period is operating from 14.11.2024 till 13.6.2025.

Jupiter is asecting the 10th house of longevity of the country denoting that even though a war erupts Pakistan will be safe and will not get completely destroyed.

Only Mars is aspecting the sign cancer and it is aspecting its debiliated sign and also aspeccting the 8th sign which is Scoripo. Hence making the sign strong. The sign related to Scorpio is of 10th house which is connected to one of the longevity house of the country in question which is Pakistan.

Hence the final outcome is even though there will be some war like activity in Pakistan from the Afghanistan we can say that it will not lead to a major war and I am of the opinion that USA will intervene to stop such war like situations


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