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Manasa Tara

In continuation to the write up on special Nakshatras(Tara) I am going to write about Manasa Tara. Manasa Tara is the 25th Tara in the 28 Nakshatra scheme and this tara is about our thoughts and mental attitude of the native. This tara gives us clues with respect to the strength of native mind and other related disease connected to mind..

What is a mental illness:

Mental illness, also called mental health disorders, refers to a wide range of mental health conditions — disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. Examples of mental illness include depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders and addictive behaviors.

Again as said earlier in my earlier article on Desa Tara( the same rules applies to check which Nakshatra from Janma and Lagna are connected to Manasa Tara. Malefics associated with this Tara will create havoc in your mind specially the nakshatra like Krittika and benefic do good when connected to this Tara. It is better to keep this Tara cool. Strong planets do good by keeping our mind strong whereas weak planets bring about depression and a weak mind.

When seeing from lagna it will give us a clue as to what extent the native can take the pressure when making decision and the same when seen from Moon shows the state of our thoughts.

Let us take an example:

The chart is that of Queen Victoria:

Victoria was Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 20 June 1837 until her death. On 1 May 1876, she adopted the additional title of Empress of India.

Height: 1.52 m

Did you know: Victoria of the United Kingdom lived to 29,828 days, the second-longest among British monarchs.

The Manasa Tara from Moon and Lagna is Revati. Revati comes under the domain of Pisces and the degrees are from 16:40 and ends at 30:00...Mars and Rahu are placed in the star of Revati and these two planets are in the sign of Pisces. Rahu is her chara DK(spouse) and Mars is her Chara AK(soul and king of the chart). Hence she will gather strength from these two planets as these are connected to Revati.

Mars is the lord of the 12th house and being placed in the 11th house denotes that her desire is to acquire as many lands as possible from different parts of the world. Mars is also the lord of the 7th house which also dentes that those people who would influence her. Mars being the 7th lord denotes spouse and people working for her directly or people opposite to her. Rahu being chara Dara Karaka(spouse) also denotes her closeness to her spouse who is Albert Prince Consort. Mars is her chara Matrukaraka.

Any activity or incident related to these two people would bring about a change in the life of queen Victoria.

The death of her mother and her husband shook her very badly and she slipped in mental sickness as both these planets are in the Revati star which is her Manasa Tara.

Most of the special nakshatras are somehow get connected directly or indirectly to planets and these also play a role in the life of the native.

Like for example if we take the about chart into account we find that Rahu star is Swati Nakshatra and this Swati Nakshatra is connected to Desa Tara and this Tara is connected to a place where the native likes to live or destined to move in that place to fulfill the karmic debt. She was very fond of the place she stayed.

Let us take other example(My own chart)

In this chart we find that Manasa Tara from Moon is Ashwini whose lord is Ketu and from Lagna it is Ardra whose is lord is Rahu. Now if you closely look at these two planets Ketu and Rahu we find that one is placed in the 9th house in Marana karaka sthana and also it is in the 9th house house of father and Baghya.Ketu is placed in the 3rd house(house of siblings and fights) and it is lord of 4th house along with Mars the lord of the 9th house. Mars is badhakesa and being in 3rd with ketu is considered as Pisacha Yoga(yoga for madness).Till the age of 51 my life revolved around my Parents (father and mother) and never had a peaceful life as long as they were alive. See the Manasa tara occupied by headless planet Ketu and diabolic planet Rahu....Rahu is also my chara Batrukaraka which denotes a foreign guru and he is none other Visti Larsen and Rafael Gendarz. Rahu is also my 7th house lord which denotes my spouse...9th denotes luck and luck has eluded me and the lady luck does not seem to be smiling at me...Mars and Ketu are also my Janma and Lagna tara and till age of 40 I suffered sever health related issues and ended up in hospital for major operations...The only save grace in my chart is Venus in lagna and planet Jupiter which is in digbala even though he is in the 14 degree exalted in Cancer.

Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah|||

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