Karakamsa lagna
Karaka refers to atmakaraka which is a temporal significator of the Atma and Amsa refers to the Navamsa. The placement of the AK in Navamsa is called as Karakamsa and treating the sign as lagna such placement is called as Karakamsa lagna. When lagna is considered as self in the natal rasi chakra the Karakamsa lagna in the Navamsa is considered as seat of our real self which is our soul and the navamsa chart can be read in the same way as we are reading the natal rasi chakra taking the Karakamsa lagna as the first house.
When reading the Navamsa from the Karakamsa lagna we need to understand what is the real cause of our creation.
Before understanding this we need to look at a principle to understand the placement of Navamsa lagna from the AK. The principle is count the Number of signs from the AK to the Navamsa lagna and see what is the result of the sign from the AK. Take the karaka into account and see the strength of the karaka of the house in question.
If the AK is in the Navamsa lagna then the native is from a royal family and reaches a great heights during the course of his life time.If the Navamsa lagna lord is with AK such native may start his life from a humble beginning and reaches great heights..
Example chart: Narendra Modi(PM of India)
In this chart we find that Saturn is his chara Atmakaraka and is placed in the 11th house of the rasi chakra in yuti with his lagna lord Venus. This is a sure short planetary conjunction of his elevation as PM of India with a humble background. 11th house is the house of desires and in the chart we find that Saturn the lord of the 4th(mother) 5th(future,intelligence.children) are placed in the 11th house and in the house of badhaka.Venus is the lord of the lagna and lord of the 8th house denoting the bad energy of the 8th house with the AK resulting in he rejecting his spouse(Venus) and not having biological children of his own.
5th from Venus denotes biological children and here we find that the lord of the 5th from Venus is Jupiter in the 5th from lagna but in retrograde(denial or delay).Jupiter is his chara Putrakaraka in the star of Dhanishta who lord is Mars conjoining 10th lord Moon. This denotes that he will treat the people of India as his own(extended family or a group).
We can also find that Saturn in the Navamsa is placed in Sagittarius and aspecting his Navamsa lagna by 7th house graha dristi hence he has come from a humble and low background and rose to the heights of becoming the PM of India(Largest democratic nation in the world).
Saturn is in his Sagittarius Navamsa sign which is 7th from the Natal Navamsa lagna. Counting from AK to the Natal lagna we get 7 signs and this is the kama trikona and the natural lord of 7th house is Venus.Venus should be strong for a strong marital life but here in his chart we find that Rahu the node is connected to Venus which is not good for his marital life.
Venus is vargottama as it is placed in Leo which is the same sign of rasi and Navamsa. In the rasi chakra it is with sukha lord Saturn and in the sign of Badhaka Leo and badhakesa is Sun placed in the 12th house in Marana karaka sthana(Loss of father)
AK when placed in the 7th house in the Navamsa makes the person very Joyful and blessed with a clean heart. That is what NARENDRA MODI
Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah||||