AK is the king of the chart and it is a small spark of energy indicating that it is a Agni tattwa and the natural Agni tattwa graha is Sun.Atma the soul is akin to Jeevatma and it just like Paramatma. Natural exaltation of Aries is Sun(moolatrikona) and the natural 5th house of Sun is Leo the natural creator. Hence the replica of the Sun being AK it has the power of recreation.
As Aries is the natural sign of Exaltation of Sun the body parts are counted from Aries treating it is as lagna and counting it forwards taking everybody part into account
Libra=Below the navel
Scorpio=Private organs
Natural 9th house and 12th house the lord is Jupiter and 9th is temple and 12th is Moksha hence these houses from Karakamsa(treat Aries as Karaka lagna) denotes the dharma devata(9th house) and 12th house(Ista devata). Jupiter is an Akash tattwa graha which binds all other grahas and Jupiter is Vishnu
Lagna and 8th house are controlled by Mars which indicates Agni tattwa graha and Aditya is the deity.Hence praying to Aditya helps to keep our intelligence intact and also grants good health. Sun is the natural 5th house lord which is the house of intelligence and Bakthi. Getting up early in the morning and praying to Surya with Brahma Gayatri mantra grants good health and long life and praying to Savitur Gayatri grants good knowledge.
2nd and 7th house is ruled by Venus which is a Jala Tattwa rasi and 7th house of the Shakthi.The houses when seen from Karakamsa shows our desires and fulfillment of our desires and the vidya which is connected to Jyotish(Apara Vidya).
4th house is the house of heart which is a Jala tattwa rasi. Moon is Mind/Mana.4th house is the natural house of healing as per Jyotish.
3rd and 6th house are the natural zodiac of Mercury who is the ruler of these houses. It is the house of Growth and a Prithvi tattwa rasi and Ganesha being the devata of the Prithvi tattwa.The houses from the Karakamsa being the house of Upachaya is considered as Dhimantha Yoga. These houses are directly connected to our resources in this world and also denotes the intelligence to learn and grow.
The 10th and 11th house are the natural houses in the Zodiac which are ruled by Saturn and Rahu. Saturn is a Vayu tattwa graha and the devata associated is Siva.The houses from the Karakamsa denotes the root cause of our birth and the sins we would have done in our past life and the only devata who can forgive is Siva.
All these houses from the Karakamsa should be approached with great faith and prayers should be done to the devata associated with the sign so that our desires are fulfilled and also our sins are cleaned for the next birth.
How to see the Ista and Dharma devata:
Take the AK and see its placement in the Navamsa. For Ista devata see the 12th from AK in the Navamsa and see if there is any planet placed there. If a planet is there then take the deity associated with that planet in form of Vishnu(dasa avatara) If there is no planet take the sign as the Ista devata.
For Dharma devata take the 9th house from AK in the Navamsa and see what planet is placed and if no planet take the sign lord and pray to that particular planetary deity in the form of Vishnu avatars
Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah|||
