The Importance of Karaka Lagna and Soonya in Vedic Astrology
Karaka lagna is the sign occupied by the chara atmakaraka and the soonya nakshatra from this sign indicate the void and emptiness the native is going to see in his life
Some examples:

For this chart the chara atmakaraka is Mercury retrograde in the sign of Gemini and for this chart and as per the traditonal Sunya table when we see the sign Gemini we see that the Soonya in the chart is coming from Poorvaphalguni and Dhanista stars. The lords of these stars are Mars and Venus. In this chart we find that Mars owns 9th and 4th house whereas Venus owns the 10th,UL and 3rd house from the natal lagna. Native has no career(10th house) Native lost his wife when he was aged 52 and also native lost both his parents when he was at the age of 32 and 52. So here we can see that Soonya from the karaka lagna has activated all these life changinng events and now the native is living along with his younger daughter..

This is chart of a female native and here the chara atmakaraka is Mars placed in the Gemini sign just like the previous chart. So again the stars are Purva Phalguni and Dhanista.
Sun owns the 3rd house hence the native has totally emptiness with her younger brother and father while the Mars is the lord of the 6th and 11th house. Native has a landed property which is in ligitations for a long period of time and attending courts for resolution and also we find that Sun is in Sunya nakshatra and it is in the 10th house of profession. She has seen lots of ups and downs in her career and also seen financial hardships

This native is a very dear of mine for the last few years and here we find that the chara atmakaraka is Sun placed in the sign of Vrischika...For the sing Vrischika the sunya rasi comes from Citra whose lord is Mars and Visaka whose lord is Jupiter.
Mars own the lagna and the 6th house while Jupiter owns the 2nd and 5th house, Native is very dharmic in nature and here we find that Jupiter is with the badhakesa Moon denoting that he will see some Soonya in his marital life after the birth of the child. Mars is placed in the 12th house from the first UL denoting that the first marital life will be hard to deal with.