Indra Gandhi-Birth chart Analysis
In this article an attempt has been made to analyze the chart of Indra Gandhi our Ex-PM of India

The chart is rising with Cancer lagna and the lagnesh is in the sign of Capricorn giving us an indication about her relationship with her spouse. We know that she left her spouse and later the spouse died of disease associated with lungs.
The lord of the 7th house Saturn is placed in the lagna creating a Raja Yoga(The dictum states if the lagnesh is in the 10th house or in the 2nd house or in 7th house) then activates a Rajayoga.Saturn will give only one rajayoga but affects other area of life and here it is here marital relationship with her spouse.
The 4th lord is Venus and this Venus denotes her mother and it is with Rahu the lord of the 8th house. Venus conjoining the lord of the 8th house is not good for the well being of the mother and also her happiness from mother. 9th house is the house of father and here Jupiter being the lord of the 9th house is retrograde and it is in 11th house. 11th house denotes the desire of the father to bring Indra Gandhi into politics and here Jupiter being retrograde is unflinching and does not bow down. Hence her father was the reason behind her bad marital relationships and later her marriage ending.
Ketu being in the 12th house also denotes a bad marital life and after the birth of the child the marriage ends. 12th is house of bed pleasures and here Ketu in the 12th house will end such outcome and here we also find that Rahu is aspecting this 12th house.
Saturn is her Chara Atmakaraka creating a Raja Yoga as it is occupying the highest degree in the chart and where ever this AK is placed it is the place of FIRE.. Here the Saturn and Moon are exchanging the signs and we should note that there is also a tattwa exchange from Sattwa to Tamasic...
There is another Rajayoga which is generated in the chart and this is with the placement of Mars in the 2nd house as a 10th lord. This is called as SIMHASANA YOGA and 10th lord being in the sign of Leo denotes a kingly type of status. Mars is a warrior and Leo is the government.Note that if the Rajayoga is placed in the 2nd or 4th then it gets activated early in the life of the native..
Her Amatyakaraka is Venus which is in the sign of Saggitarius but with Rahu denoting that the native will do anything to win an election.Rahu is all about scheming and Venus denotes the karaka for work related activities..Her Venus is also in Marana karaka bhava being the lord of the 4th house and here Venus is getting destroyed. 4th as said earlier is mother and happiness from mother. Moon also being placed in the sign of Capricorn also shows the health of mother.Slow and killing disease..Kamala(mother of Indra Gandhi) died from tuberculosis in Lausanne, Switzerland on 28 February 1936
As per the BSP(Brighu Sarala Padahti) we take 12 years for one sign and here if we calculate the age related to 49 when Indra Gandhi became the first Lady PM of India we find that exactly at the age of 49 years her lagna and Rajayoga got activated and took her to heights. (Gemini is 12 years and again to Gemini is 24 and again to Gemini it is 36 and again to Gemini is 48 and then 49th year comes to Cancer)
Again at the age of 69 she became PM for 4 years from 1980-1984. So Gemini being 48 years again Gemini will be 60 and 69 years comes to Pisces and taking this sign as Lagna we find that Saturn the Yoga Karaka planet is in the 5th house and 5th denotes power and authority and it was during Saturn-Moon dasa she became PM of India again.
Maraka for this chart is Sun and Saturn and the circumstances of the death comes in the 3rd from Arudha lagna. To calculate Arudha lagna for the chart we should see the placement of lagnesh from lagna and count the same number of signs forward and here lagnesh is Moon placed in the 7th house o Capricorn and further counting 7 more signs we get back to lagna again hence AL is placed in this sign. But the dictum says that AL cannot be in 1st or 7th house hence we have to further move the AL to 10 signs more which comes to Mesha sign and Ketu is in the 3rd from AL and aspected by Venus and Rahu in the sign of Jupiter.
She was killed by own Body guards and Ketu denotes people who are soilders or body guards and death date was 1984..
