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Imran Khan

In this article let us see the chart of Imran khan..

The chart is rising with Dhanus lagna the natural 9th house but here we find that the malefic graha like Mars is with the lagna and lagnesh Jupiter is retro and with 9th lord Moon. There is a parivartana yoga where the Mars and Jupiter are exchanging houses and also the elements associated with it. Jupiter will give the result of Mars and Mars that of Jupiter and the exchange is happening with the lagna(self) and 5th house(knowledge and poorva Punya) past life good deeds.

Sun in the 10th house gives name and fame while Mercury in the 10th house makes the person business man and Saturn in the 10th house makes the native work hard in career ir profession . Here Saturn and other planets are sitting in the Virgo sign ensuring that native activity is related to business and other activities where there is lot of commercial activity. Kanya relates to greenery like Turfs.

His chara Atmakaraka is Mercury and being exalted in the 10th house of profession had made him very known person while the Jupiter the chara Amatyakaraka in the sign of Aries(agression) making him very agressive in his career or profession and Moon the 8th lord will ensure that native quits his profession

In the year June 1992 he quits his profession after the team Pakistan lost the match ODI against Sri Lanka.The dasa operating was that of Mars-Saturn-Rahu here we find that Rahu is aspecting his 10th house by 9th house.. Mercury even though exalted is heavily afflicted by the presence of Saturn,Sun and aspect of Rahu.

Aries lagna is rising in the Navamsa chakra ensuring that native has a flare in all activities related to Mars..Mars is the planet of energy. Atmakaraka is also exalted in his own sign in the Navamsa chakra and it is also placed in the same sign of the rasi chakra making it poweful and this is called as Karakamsa and Karaka lagna. Here we find that the Antar dasa of Rahu and Saturn when he quit his profession are placed in the 12th house from the karakamsa lagna(12th house denotes exit or loss)

Imran khan was educated in a foreign land and here the higher education is connected to 9th house and here we find that Sun is the 9th lord and education is related to Politics and Sun is with Mercury denoting Philiosphy and he completed his graduation in the year 1976 and the dasa operating was that of Sun itself being the 9th house lord well placed in the rasi chakra(placed in kendra)

In the year 1982 he was named the captain of Pakistan team as the dasa operating was that of Jupiter-Moon in the 5th house of recognition but in the year 1992 he retired from this profession and he started his philanthropic work where he studied suffism and had to shed his image as play boy.

The time when he became a philanthroic was that of Mars-Saturn-Mercury and we find that these two planets are in kendra to each other and also we find that Saturn and Mercury are in the star of Chitra. Chitra lord is Mars placed in the auspicious and friendly sign Dhanus this made the native started donations and hospital for chancer people and it is named after his deceased mother.

During the time period of August 18th 2018 Imran Khan became the PM of Pakistan and the dasa period was that of Jupiter-Saturn-Jupiter and when we consider Aries as the arambha rasi and Jupiter as the temporay lagna lord we find that from Aries Saturn is the 10th lord hence in the antar dasa of Saturn he has come to power and the Jupiter pratyantara is placed in the 5th from the lagna and here 5th house denotes (Power and authority) and being in the sign of Aries denotes that he was bought to power by the elite group Army of Pakistan.

10th April 2022 was the time period when Imran Khan lost power through in house motion and had to leave his power and authority..The time period was that of Jupiter-Venus-Moon and here we find that Venus has become Maraca for the 10th house and for the native 8th house Moon is placed in the 5th house resulting in loosing of power.

Now the time is that of Jupiter-Venus-Rahu and Rahu is placed in the maraca house for lagna(self).

As Venus antar dasa is still operating and for his 10th house is a maraca we will find that it is not easy for him to come to power till 27.08.2024..After Venus antar dasa his Sun is placed in the 10th house which is a likely dasa that he may regain the power and authority...We find Sun is in Hasta star whose lord is Moon and here again we should note that power will be given to him by the Army or Public...

Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa

Lagna 0 Sg 00' 05.87" Mool 1 Sg Ar

Sun - MK 18 Vi 47' 47.08" Hast 3 Vi Ge

Moon - PK 12 Ar 38' 44.84" Aswi 4 Ar Cn

Mars - DK 1 Sg 57' 13.54" Mool 1 Sg Ar

Mercury - AK 26 Vi 45' 43.05" Chit 2 Vi Vi

Jupiter (R) - AmK 26 Ar 43' 49.62" Krit 1 Ar Sg

Venus - PiK 16 Li 06' 03.37" Swat 3 Li Aq

Saturn - BK 24 Vi 02' 15.21" Chit 1 Vi Le

Rahu - GK 25 Cp 32' 17.82" Dhan 1 Cp Le

Ketu 25 Cn 32' 17.82" Asre 3 Cn Aq

Maandi 2 Aq 22' 46.52" Dhan 3 Aq Li

Gulika 18 Cp 31' 30.29" Srav 3 Cp Ge

Bhava Lagna 11 Sg 59' 17.55" Mool 4 Sg Cn

Hora Lagna 5 Pi 24' 30.13" UBha 1 Pi Le

Ghati Lagna 15 Sc 40' 07.87" Anu 4 Sc Sc

Vighati Lagna 6 Ta 58' 16.59" Krit 4 Ta Pi

Varnada Lagna 0 Sc 00' 05.87" Visa 4 Sc Vi

Sree Lagna 11 Sc 26' 16.47" Anu 3 Sc Li

Pranapada Lagna 7 Vi 11' 58.70" UPha 4 Vi Pi

Indu Lagna 12 Cn 38' 44.84" Push 3 Cn Li

Bhrigu Bindu 4 Pi 05' 31.33" UBha 1 Pi Le

Here Mercury being his chara atmakaraka is placed in the star of Dhaista and lord being Mars native desire is to attain power and also create tension in the country...Here we also find that his Mercury is exalted in 6th house which is 12th from 7th hence breaking his marriage and his 7th lord in the 10th house of the rasi chakra denotes ara Yoga(multiple relationships)

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