Exploring the Connection Between Hora Lagna and Wealth: What You Need to Know
Updated: Jul 13, 2024
Hora refers to the half of the day and here day refers to 24 hours where 12 hours are dedicated to morning and 12 hours to night times
Every day has 12 horas in the morning and 12 horas in the evening repeating itself
Let us say if the day starts on Sunday and the rise is from 5:30 onwards then every 1 hour is a hora hence from 5:30 to 6:30 it is Sun hora then from 6:30 to 7:30 it is Moon hora and so on till we complete the week days hence when we arrive at Saturday it will be 12:30 in the mid afternoon and again the Sun hora starts again till we complete aother 7 hours
The word hora is derived from Aho-ratra where aho means day and ratra means night thereby the zodiac is divided into two halfs and it is lorded by Sun for the day time ad Moo for the night time.
The atra means means food which are sustained by the planets and these are Mars to Saturn exlcuding Sun and Moon and humans require food to sustain in this world.
There is a lagna in the chart which we call it as acsendant and this means adhering to or clinginng or which does not change in the natives life time. Laga chages every 2 hours there by going around the zodiac in a 24 hour time line
Hora lagna has a different meaning altogether, Hora lagna moves faster than then the lagna and it is the twice the speed of lagna, Hora lagna calculation is similar to Bhava lagna as they carry some impression in the mind of the native
Let say a native is born 9:00 AM GMT London on 1st Feb 2004 at 7:43:55 hours and for London the Sun rise is at 7:43:55 and the Sun set is 4:47:30
Hora lagna calculation:
Birth time:9:00:00 Am
Time elapsed from Birth time to Sunrise is birthime -Sunrise and this comes to 1:16:0 hours
Speed of the hora lagna is 720 Degrees per day (360 degrees * 2)
The angel traversed by Hora lagna A*B=38.041667 degrees
If we want to know the positon of the sunrise then we need to see at what degree sun is transiting
Then add 38.041667+Sunrise we get the Hora lagna
If the HL is between 0-30 degree is stays in a particular sign others if it is more than 30 degrees it moves to the next sign
Hora lagna reparesents the concept of wealth as it is imprinted in the mind of the native
HL in the first or 7th house indicates native is very fortuate and has name and fame and money
HL in the 2nd or 8th house indicates that the native will work for the community or his family and they work in groups
HL in 3rd and 9th house indicates people who are very brilliant when it is with benefics otherwise bad results are pronounced
HL in 4th and 10th house indicates native is attached to home and properties and also his work or professio
HL in 5th and 11th house indicates a close attachement to children and followers while the 11th house has a different meaning as the focus will be on the value attached to friends and friendship
HL in 6th and 12thand this indicates enemies,battles,foreign lands or long distance works
In the chart of Narendra Modi his HL is in the 4th house and the natural karaka for the 4th house is Moon being placed in the 2nd house in Vrischika debiliated and with Mars the lord of the 2nd and 6th house. He consider mother,mother land as his wealth and we see he is a true leader when it comes to protecting India. He was born in Brigher half of the Moon in Sukhla shasti
Moon also being the lord of the 10th house of profession when placed with Mars denotes that native is very strict in his work and does not bend for anything. Moon and Mars is Chandra Mangala Yoga and he was the PM of India in the Moon and Mars dasa periods
The 4th lord Saturn is in his enemies sign and with Venus denoting Sanyasi yoga and for the Libra lagna Leo is Badhaka sign denoting non availability of father and brothers or brothers a very poor and leading their own life
