Hora Lagna
When ever we talk about hora lagna the first thing which comes to our mind is MONEY as it is all about sustenance as it indicates wealth which is arising in the mind of the native
Depending on what planets are associating with Hora lagna it indicates that the native is having a desire to earn money
Now when we talk about association it can in the form of Conunction or aspect, lordship also and the aspect can be of rasi and graha. Here rasi dristi is permanent in nature while Graha dristi arises when Hora lagna is aspected by a graha
The state of the planet also indicates the amount of wealth coming to the native
And also we should check the nature of the planet giving money to the native as if it is malefic then it will sorrow or legal battles or death while Good planets will give money after the native has been blessed
The planets which are associating with the Hora lagna the native will decide the act or actions through which natie can earn money
Let us take some examples to understand the concept:

In this eample chart we find that lord of the Hora lagna(HL) is Mars and it is aspected by Rahu by graha dristi and Venus by rasi dristi. Mars is also the lord of the 4th house of properties and it is with Ketu along the primary lord of the 4th house of properties hence native is having properties through which he is earning money...Note that the dispositor of the HL is Venus and is placed in the lagna denoting that all the money native is earning solely goes to him and there is no other person receivng money.

In this chart we find that the Hora lagna is in Leo sign with Saturn in the sign and also the lord of the Hora lagna is Sun placed in the 10th house of career in Pisces. No planets are aspecting the HL either by Rasi or Graha dristi
Sun being in the 10th house is good for career as it controls the south direction hence money comes from career or profession. Native is working as a freelancer for IT recruitment. and Saturn in the 3rd house in retrograde denotes that native finds it difficult to earn money sometimes and has to face obstacles relating to such activities...Again Saturn is in the star of Magha whose lord is Ketu and for the native lagna which is Gemini Ketu is 6th lord in 10th house from lagna again denoting career.
Most of us know that the 2nd and 11th house indicate the wealth available to us while 11th house denotes the source of the wealth which we have to see from Arudha lagna and here the same rule applies. Any planet with the 11th house or lord or having rasi or graha dristi on the 11th house will give wealth to the native
Whether the planet is willing to give money or not depends on the relationships of the planets. If the planet is exalted or debiliated it will huge amount of wealth while planets in its own sign or in its enemy sign will give average or less money..Sambandha means frienship of each of these planets.
The friendship of each of these planets can be ascetained either in books or in the web
So in the above first example 11th house from arudha lagna is Rahu and Saturn while Rahu is with Arudha lagna in the sign of Mars denoting properties we also see that Venus is aspecting by graha dristi while Jupiter is aspecting it by rasi dristi
Jupiter and Venus are friendly to Rahu hence all the signs of Jupiter and Venus can give money to the native
Now let us examine Sudasa to understand the blessings of the Lakshmi on the native
The present sudasa in the native life is:
Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):
Sc MD: 2019-04-23 (16:32:39) - 2030-04-23 (12:20:09)
Sg AD: 2023-11-25 (20:40:42) - 2024-10-26 (6:15:35)
Pratyantardasas in this AD:
Ge: 2023-11-25 (20:40:42) - 2023-12-22 (22:38:26)
Cn: 2023-12-22 (22:38:26) - 2024-01-18 (22:24:00)
Le: 2024-01-18 (22:24:00) - 2024-02-15 (0:44:05)
Vi: 2024-02-15 (0:44:05) - 2024-03-13 (9:54:21)
Li: 2024-03-13 (9:54:21) - 2024-04-10 (4:46:51)
Sc: 2024-04-10 (4:46:51) - 2024-05-08 (10:08:45)
Sg: 2024-05-08 (10:08:45) - 2024-06-06 (0:23:28)
Cp: 2024-06-06 (0:23:28) - 2024-07-04 (19:45:18)
Aq: 2024-07-04 (19:45:18) - 2024-08-02 (15:10:57)
Pi: 2024-08-02 (15:10:57) - 2024-08-31 (5:35:50)
Ar: 2024-08-31 (5:35:50) - 2024-09-28 (11:10:54)
Ta: 2024-09-28 (11:10:54) - 2024-10-26 (6:15:35)
As scorpio is the sign related to 4th house hence blessing of lakshmi is in the sign of scorpio.
Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah
Sarve Jana Sukhino Bhavantu
