Gemstones Part-2
In continuation to my earlier article on Gemstones in this article we will try and understand which planets are considered beneficial for all the 12 Lagnas or Ascendants and some overriding principles with respect to using of Gemstones...
Sun is the main source of energy and we all have studied in our school that rays of Sun gets divided into 7 different colors as we call it as VIBGYOR and these are Violet,Indigo,Blue,Green,Yellow,Orange and Red. Depending on the stone we wearing any of the ray associated with the gemstone will enter into the stone and pass through our skin and activate one of the nerves system associated with the planet. We all know that there are 33 devatas in our body and more number of devatas who control our entire system.
33 Devatas:
Dwadasa Aditya(12 Adityas)
Ekadasa Rudras(11 Rudras)
Sapta Grahas(7 planets)
Upagrahas(2 Shadow Planets)
Indra(1 Indra)
Gemstones are categorized as Sattvic,Tamasic and Rajasic Grahas
Jupiter,Moon,Mercury,Venus are Sattvic grahas
Saturn,Rahu,Ketu and Mars are Tamasic Grahas
Ratna is referred to 9 types of Gemstones which are occasionally used by most of us and these are as follows:
Vaidurya(Cats eye)
Apart from the above we have other gemstones which are not categorized as Ratnas but as Upa-ratnas which are considered as substitute to the original gemstones
Like for example for Pushyarag we have Yellow topaz
For Sapphire we have Amethyst
There are rules prescribed by our sages to which stone goes to which finger
Yellow sapphire,Ruby,Diamond are best in the ring finger
Coral,Blue Sapphire and Hessonite as best in the Middle finger
Emerald is good in the little finger(Not for married people)
Various Lagna' s and the planets which are malefic in nature
Aries-Rahu,Ketu and Mercury are considered malefic grahas for this lagna.Mercury is most malefic as it is the lord of the 3rd and 6th house
Taurus-Rahu,Ketu,Moon,Mars and Jupiter are considered as malefics grahas for this lagna. Jupiter is the most malefic as it control the Moolatrikona house(Dhanus)
Gemini-Rahu,Ketu,Mars,Jupiter and Sun are considered as malefic grahas for this lagna.Among them Mars is most malefics as it is the lord of the 8th and 11th house
Cancer-Jupiter,Saturn,Mercury are considered as malefic grahas for this lagna.All these are considered great Malefics.
Leo-Rahu,Ketu,Moon,Mercury and Venus are the malefic grahas for this lagna. Mercury is the lord of the 2nd and 11th house and Venus is the lord of the 3rd and 10th house. Venus tends to give mixed results compared to Mercury.Saturn is Neutral to this lagna as it lords 6th and 7th.
Virgo-Rahu,Ketu,Moon,Mars and Jupiter are malefics for this lagna.Mars is the most malefic as it controls the 3rd and 8th house
Libra-Rahu,Ketu,Sun,Jupiter and Mars are considered the malefic grahas for this lagna. Jupiter controls 3rd and 6th house, Sun becomes badhakesa and Mars is the controller of maraka houses which are 2nd and 7th house
Scorpio-Rahu,Ketu,Mercury and Venus are considered the malefic grahas for this lagna. Here Mercury is the lord of the 8th and 11th house whereas Venus is the lord of the 7th and 12th house.Venus is most malefic in nature.
Sagittarius-Rahu,Ketu,Mercury and Venus are considered as Malefic grahas for this lagna.Venus is the most malefic as it controls 6th and 11th house
Capricorn-Rahu,Ketu,Moon and Mars are considered as malefic grahas for this lagna and out of this Mars lords the 4th and 11th house where Moon is the lord of the 7th house
Aquarius-Rahu,Ketu,Moon,Mars and Jupiter are considered malefics for this lagna out of which Moon controls the 6th house,Jupiter controls the 2nd and 12th house,Mars is the lord of the 3rd and 10th house
Pisces:Rahu,Ketu,Sun,Venus are malefics for this lagna. Out of this Sun is the lord of the 6th house.Venus is the lord of the 3rd and 8th house.
6th,8th and 12th house lords are considered as most malefics as 6th denotes diseases,8th denotes long term diseases and 12th denotes hospitals.
2nd and 12th houses do not work independently and give their results when conjoined with other grahas.
If confusion exists then the gemstone of the lagna to be worn as it controls everything.
Hence all these to be taken into account when specifying the gemstone to be worn
O Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah|||
