Financial success/Sudasa/Rajya Laxmi
In this article we would stress on the financial success and also the ups and downs the native faces and how to check such conditions from the chart.
As per Jyotish the 2nd house is the house of our bank balances and 11th house is the house of our gains while most of the time we see the 2nd house and the lord to understand the finances of the naitve while the 11th house is not seen from lagna but from the arudha lagna point of view as we should understand that seeing from arudha lagna point of view we can say what resources the native is acting upon to get money or fulfill his desire
Hence the 2nd house and the lord or the planets placed in the 2nd house or planets aspecting the 2nd house is important to understand the finances while the 11th house from arudha lagna, the planets in this house or planets aspecting this house will give us a clue. at to what is the source where the native is going to earn money
Financial gains will occur for the native when the 2nd lord is either placed in the lagna,5th or 9th house as these are the house of laxmi and 2nd house is the house of Visnu. The natural 2nd hosue is Taurus which is a fixed sign hence any benefics especially Jupiter when placed in this house will give immense benefits financially.
Financial distress or troubles will occur to the native when the 2nd house is placed in dusthanas like 6,8,12 or with these lords or malefics are placed in the 2nd house. Here malefics means Saturn,Rahu,Ketu and Mars
Debts will arise from the 8th house while receving of loans from 6th house hence it is possible that during the dasa period of 8th house or lord or planets placed in the 8th house native will feel the pressure of finances.
As per the Nava tara chakra we know that from your Janma nakshatra the 2nd star will become your Sampat tara and here Sampart means wealth.
Native will get money when the Moon transits this Tara and also when the planet transits through this Sampat tara also have the capability to give money to the native.
Let us say a native is born in Mrigasira star then his Sampart tara will be the stars associated with Rahu like Ardra,Swati and Satabishaj. Hence Moon trasitinng these star or planets transitig these stars will give the native an opportunity to earn
On 10th September 2024 this native received an amount of Rs 6800 through rent and we find that on this day his Janma nakshatra star Msrs is being transited by the Sampat tara star Ardra and again On 13th september 2024 this native has received an amount of Rs 6800 through rent and we find that on that day his Mars the chara dara karaka(dara means money or spouse) the Janma nakshatra was transited by Ardra the Sampat tara nakshatra.
Sudasa is a phalita dasa where in where ever lakshmi is residing that sign is blessed by Lakshmi..In my chart the Sudasa started from 2019 onwards and I lost earning in the year 2013 after my spouse was bedridden.
The sudasa sign of Scorpio and it is the natural 8th house hence its an unearned income or like inheritance. I have inherited my mother's house and since then living on the money received from it.
Here the Sudasa is being aspected by Jupiter the karaka for money and the lagna rising is that of Leo hence the 4th house will be that of Scorpio. The lord is placed in the 3rd house along with the Ketu and both are lords of the 4th house and these lords are also in conjunction with Hora lagna another money point...Mars is the baghya lord (9th house) Mars denotes open lands and Ketu denotes construction.

This is the birth chart of KCR who was the ex CM of telengana and here we find that during the year 2014 2nd June he became the CM of telengana and we find that his sudasa was that of Capricorn-Libra and here the Capricorn lord is Saturn. and exalted in thr 10th house of Libra and the blessing of Rajya Laxmi has formed
Later again on 13th December 2018 he again became the CM of Telangana and the time period was that of Aries-Taurus ada the Taurus lord being Venus is placed in the 10th house again forming a yoga and blessing of Rajya Laxmi.
The 3rd he failed to become the CM of telengana and had to resign on 3rd Deember 2023 and the time line was that of Cancer-Taurus and the lord of the lord Taurus sign is Venus and it is placed in the 8th house of retirement, He Had to go back to his farm house as Moon is placed in its own sign cancer and 4th from lagna.
Narendra Modi:

This is the chart of Narendra Modi and here we find that his 2nd house has Mars and Moon. Mars is well placed in his chart but with debiliated Moon and Moon is having Neecha bhanga raja yoga. The primary lord Ketu is i the 12th house hence Narendra modi lives a life of Sanyasi...10th lord in the 2nd house is simhasana yoga and he became the PM of India for the 3rd time on 9th June 2024 and as per his chart the time line of Sudasa is that of Virgo-Aurius. There is a parivartana yoga between Jupiter and Rahu hence the Rahu has given the result of Jupiter and he became the PM of India with less majority. The reason being that as per the Vimshottari dasa he was under Mars Maha dasa and the same Mars is debiliated in the Navamsa chakra.
Om Vyasa Devaya Namah
