Exploring the Influence of Navatara on Relationships in Jyotish
Sage Garga speaks of the influence and effects of Navatara chakra on the dynamics of family environment which is the interaction of minds of such people cominng from past life karmas.
The chakra is categorized into 9 which is 9 grahas which we already know in Jyotish
These are:
Let us analyze each of this in details:
A child who is born in the Janma Tara of the parent (1,10,19) whether it is father or mother or sibllings of the same famly like brothers or sisters such birth will prove fatal for the parent and sibblings. Remedies are to be done like Eka Nakshtra dosha Nivarana and this is taught in the BPHS
A child born in the Sampat tara of the parents or sibblings (2,11,20) then the child birth can bring lots of blessings and auscipciousness to the family
A child born in Vipat tara of the parents or sibblings(3,12,21) then this is considered as fatal and the famly lacks peace and the family will face too many obstacles
A child born in Ksema tara of the parents or sibblings(4,13,22) the child is soft and has a caring nature but the child will feel lonely ad neglected. He brings prosperity to the family
A child born in the Pratyari tara of the parent or sibbling(5,14,23) the child becomes enemy to the parents or sibbling
A child born in the Sadhaka tara of the parent or sibbling(6,15,24)the child will be a great achiever in his life and will be able to handle all the understaking of his family
A child born in te Vadha tara of the parents or sibbling(7,16,25)then native will end up having of vices and can bring disastor to the life of the parents,family and sibblings
A child born in the Mitra tara of the parents or sibblings(8,17,26)child will be duitiful and works to removes the obstacles
A child born in the Ati Mitra tara of the parents or sibbling(child will be very dear to the family and sibblings and it is considered as a great blessings of the gods
The relationships falls in fie categories
