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Eclipse July 2nd Effects

After effects are being felt across different parts of the world,including political entities,Individuals and also it will effect countries and territories. In this article will share some charts which will authenticate the principles of Jyotish:

This is the chart of Rahu Gandhi and we find that Sun and Mars are placed in the Gemini sign where the eclipse occured only July 2nd 2019.The axis of eclipse in this chart is 9/3 9th denotes luck and future where as 3rd house denotes siblings,short travels,communications. Mars is the lord of the 2nd house and 7th house(Maraka houses) and Sun is the lord of the 11th house(desires,gains,friends).Here we find that Sun is in Mrigasira star and Mars is in the star of Ardra where the eclipsed occured.Mars in this chart is chara Amatyakaraka. Mars is in the 17d49M and the eclipse occurred at 16D25M in Gemini which would denote that the effect of the eclipse will be after the eclipse within a period of 6 months.Amatyakaraka denotes everything related to career and also it is the dispostor of GL(Power and authority) and this denotes that RaGa will have to renounce his power and authority and give way to some other people. On July 3rd 2019 he has officially announced that he would step down leaving his party men in utter shock.Congress members tried to persuade him to continue but he did not budge and finally stepped down from his job.

Demise of Father:

This is the chart of my friend's son. In this chart we find that Sun is in Gemini. Sun is the natural karaka for father and Sun is placed in the star of Ardra where the eclipse is occurring...Sun is 15dGe20M and the eclipse occurred at 16D25M also in the sign Gemini. The degree of the Sun is lesser compared to the eclipse degree hence the event would have occurred prior to the eclipse. My friend had a massive heart attack and passed away 6 months back. Here we also find that Moon and Saturn are in the sign of Dhanus where the eclipse is aspecting by graha dristhi..(Rahu aspects the 7th house from itself)Moon is the the karaka for heart also as it is lord of the 7th house....

Pulwama attack:

This is the chart of India and here we find that Mars is in the sign of Gemini in Ardra Nakshtra and at 7dGe28M.The degree of the Mars is less compared to the degree of the eclipse hence it was 6 months earlier on 14 Feb 2019 a convoy carrying India soldiers where attacked by a terrorist

resulting in the death of 40 CRPF Police.

Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah||||

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