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- Understanding Doshas: Key Remedies and Solutions in Jyotish

Updated: Jul 15, 2024

This is an another article and the discussion is about Sarpa dosha

If Rahu is placed in 1,4,7,10 or it is with badhakesa or in the dusthanas or with 6th,8th or 12th lord it is called dosha related to snakes

Here is a example:

Lagna rising is Leo and Venus is placed in the lagna and also it is the lord of the 10th house in the 1st creating Simhasana Yoga...Venus is the lord of the 10th house(karma bhava)and lord of the 3rd house(Parakrama bhava)

There is no full fledge sarpa dosha as Venus in lagna is strong but we also find that Rahu is in the 9th house of baghya/luck/father/higher education and for Leo lagna it is in badhaka bhava and the lord of Aries is Mars with 4th lord Ketu in the house of courage

Native in his younger age was very ferocious and had constant fights with everybody and also native faced lot of heatlh related issues as Rahu is aspecting the badhakesa and also the lagna by 5th and 7th house graha dristi.

Rahu being in the 9th in badhaka sign created problems for he native from his father and mother and also native did not complete his higher education as he left his studies in the middle to start his career. Native completed his B,Com(Bachelor of commerce)

Rahu and Jupiter are in kendra to each other denoting that native will learn some higher subjects related occult activities

As Rahu is placed in the sign of Aries representing the head of kalapurusha native had lot of issues related to head like migraines and also had a major accident on his head when he was working for an MNC.

Saturn being in the 8th house has protected the native as Saturn in 8th house full length life(Deergayush)

Native approached an astrolger from a foreign country(note that his Rahu is chara bhraturkara which is akin to a guru) and he was advised to perform remedies to calmdown Rahu.

Native donated 9 silver egges to Nageshwara on his tithi day and also he was advised to recite the Panchakshari mantra everyday without fail as he was born in Krishna chaturdasi.

The lord of Krishna chaturdasi is Venus and Venus is also the co-lord of marriage..Native got married during Rahu-Mars dasa as Rahu is the lord of the 7th house and Mars is the chara Dara karaka which brings spouse to the native life.

During the period of Venus dasa native lost his spouse due to health issues. Note that UL is under curse from Saturn and Rahu hence native lost his spouse..

So the Sarpa dosha has given its results and also the birth of the native in a Krishna chaturdasi has also given its results as Venus is in the fixed sign of rasi and Navamsa.

Fixed signs are controlled by Siva bringing the curse on the native at any cost.

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