Divisional charts
Great Sage Parashara has advised us to use various charts which we call it as Divisional charts to understand the fine aspects of our life. There are many divisional charts which we can use and here I am giving some charts and their usage:
D-1-This is used to understand the present cirucumstances of the native life
D-9-This is called as Navamsa chakra and this chart is used to understand as to what god has given to us with respect to our past life karmas
D-4-This is Chaturtamsa chakra and this is used understand our properties and how we are blessed
D-7-This is Saptamamsa chakra and used to understand the birth of children
D-10-This is called as Dasamsa chakra or Swargamsa chakra and is used to understand the career and profession aspect of our life
D-24-This is Sidhamsa chakra and can be used to analyze our education
D-20-This is Vimvasma chakra and used to understand our spiritual aspecct of life
D-12-This is Dwadasamsa chakra and used to understand our parents and the relationships which we carry with them
D-16-This is Shodasamsa chakra and used to understand how and what we acquire our movable properties
D-40 and D-45 talks about our grandparents from mother and father side
D-6--This is called as Shastyamsa chakra and used as to what we would have done in our past life and understand how it can be rectified in the present life
For the accuracy of our readings it is very important that first we have to get the birth time rectified by using D-24,D-10,D-16D-12 to arrive at the correct time and later check for the accuracy in the D-9 with the events which occurred in our life
