Desa Tara
Just like the birth nakshatra is called as Janma Tara there are some special names for some special Nakshatra from Janma Tara to Lagna Tara. These special taras are as follows:
1)Jati nakshatra
2)Karma Tara
3)Naidhana Tara
4)Desa Tara
5)Adhana Tara
6)Sanghatik Tara
7)Vainasika Tara
8)Manasa Tara
9)Samudaya Tara
10)Abhiseka Tara
Each of these special tara play a different and decisive role as per Jyotish and can be used in analyzing some important events in the life of the native. Like Karma Tara is used to know the purpose of our birth and also to check Career,Work we done), Manasa Tara is used to understand our mental attitude and thoughts in our mind through which we know the state of the mind of the native and various diseases associated with the mind,Sanghatik Tara is used to check all association of people at one place be it Marriage,Political gathering,families and associations where people gather. In this article we will talk about Desa Tara.
DESA TARA:This tara is used to understand that it is a region or place where the native is destined to move. It is the 12th star in 28 star scheme...Places which are indicated by this star the native is destined to live.
This tara can be seen from Janma Nakshatra and Lagna Nakshatra. For example I am born in Mrigasira so the 12th star from Mrigasira become Desa tara(Shravana) from Moon and my Lagna star is Purva Phalguni hence my 12th star from Purva Phalguni become Desa Tara from Lagna(Abhijit)
Desa Tara from Moon tell us whether we want to live in a different country and what our mind thinks about it and from Lagna it will tell us whether we can actually move to a different place apart from our motherland and how our body reacts to such changes.

Both these star lords Shravana(moon) and Abhijit(sun) have to been seen in the birth chart to understand the outcome..
Moon and Sun both are placed in the 11th house in Gemini from the natal lagna and Sun is the lord of the Lagna and Moon is the lord of the 12th house placed in the 11th house..Gemini is a dual sign hence the native travels within India and that too very rarely as Sun the lord of Lagna Dasa Nakshtra is of Fixed sign and native likes to stay at home for a longer period of time rather than travelling
Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah||||
different approach