Demonetization and effect on Pakistan
In this article we will try to understand how the Demonetization announced by our PM Shri Narendra Modi on Nov 8th 2018 has let to the downfall of our neighboring country Pakistan.
We will understand this using various dasa times like Vimshottari dasa,Narayana dasa and Sudasa.
Some brief info about the chart:
Some brief info about the chart: sign of Agression,Leadership and war cry. The lagna lord is Mars(Angaraka graha) and the element associated is Fire(Agni) and the lord is placed in the 3rd. house of agression, courage and growth as 3rd is house of Upachaya and Mars is also the karaka(doer) of the 3rd house. Maars is also the karaka for younger siblings hence and for the elder sibling it is Saturn and here we find that Mars is in the 12th house Saturn denoting that the country was split from India on the basis of religion(Jupiter)
4th lord is Moon placed in its own sign cancer(Karkataka rasi) but it is with 5th lord Sun,2nd and 7th lord Venus,3rd and 6th lord Mercury and 10th and 11th lord Saturn.Conjunction of Sun and Moon is Amavasya dosha as both these luminaries are in the same sign while Sun and Saturn are dire enemies here we also find that Moon and Mercury are enemies..
As per the chart all the planets are placed in the axis of Rahu and ketu and only lagna is outside this axis hence no other planets are helping the native and only self effort(Lagna) is required for the country to come out of the present crisis.
JUpiter is chara Amatyakaraka and placed in its enemies sign Venus and Libra..Present age of Pakistan is 75 years and the sign which got activated as BSP is that of Gemini where Mars the lagnesh is placed and we find that presently pakistan is under severe stress and lots of terrorists activities are going on within its country.
On Nov 8th 2016 Narendra Modi has declared that he going to to Demonetize Rs 500 and Rs 1000 rupees note from Midnight and it will become illegal to use these notes for any sort of transactions and from the year 2016 we find that Pakistans economy took a down turn. A chart is enclosed showing the downtrend of Pakistan since then.

Let us see what dasa have done such a damage to the pakistan economy.
From 2015 till 2025 Pakistan is under Maha dasa of Moon and as said earlier Moon is well placed in its own sign with host of other planets.
The antar dasa lords have to be friendly with the Maha dasa lord to ensure a smooth transition and with no hassles.
The first antar dasa is that of Moon itself which is from 2015 May to 2016 March
The second antar dasa is that of Mars from 2016 March till 2016 Oct
The third antar dasa is that of Rahu from 2016 Oct till 2018 April and we find that Rahu is placed in the 2nd house of sustenance and we know that Rahu should not be placed here as it will leads to tremendous financial pressures. Note that our Indias lagna is Taurus where Rahu is placed and for the Maha dasa lord Moon Taurus is a bhadhaka sign and badhakesa is Venus placed in the 4th house of society..
The Pratyantara dasa of Pakistan when Modi declared the scheme was on Nov 8th 2016 ad here we find that Rahu PD is operating and in the badhaka sign.
After that the fourth antar dasa was that of Jupiter and we see that from Moon Jupiter is in the 4th house which is not a good placement as Moon and Jupiter are enemies and Jupiter being placed in the 4th house from Moon is destroying the karakatwa(4th house happiness of the society) The dasa period was from 2018 April till 2019 August
After this we find that it was Saturn antar dasa from 2019 August till 2021 March and for Moon Saturn is 7th and 8th lord and placed along with Moon and this placement is called Punarapu yoga. This is a yoga of total mind destruction and also the happiness of the citizens of Pakistan.
The dasa operating right now is Venus and we know that Moon is neutral to Venus but Venus is dire enemy to Moon and also note that Venus is the maraca lord (2nd and 7th) from Pakistan natal lagna Aries. The dasa of Venus is from 2023 March till 2014 November. Also we see that the planet of Market place and business which is Venus and Mercury are very badly placed in the 12th house from Arudha lagna(Venus and Mercury are the creators of Market and Businessmen while Moon is the socieity consuming the products) Hence these planets cannot be placed in the 12th from Arudha lagna.
In the Sudasa perild(Lakshmi blessing)we find that from 2010 till 2021 the country was under Taurus Sudasa where Rahu is placed denoting that country dependency of foreign funds and from 2021 till 2026 it was Kumbha sudasa and this dasa is again a badhaka from Aries lagna denoting that country cannot fulfill its desire and no friends are going to help the country.
Coming to Narayana dasa we find that from 2019 till 2021 it was under Dhanus Maha narayana dasa and lord of Dhanus which is Jupiter even though well placed in the 11th house but still it was in its enemy sign(Venus) and Libra
From the year 2021 till this year 2023 it is under Makara Maha narayana dasa and the lord is Saturn placed in the 7th house. Makara is rising with A8(Mrityu arudha) and A7(Saptama arudha) and these arudha denotes death like circumstances and strained relationships..Note that AL and A7 are in 6/8 axis also denoting that friends and partners will abaondon the country for good and this will be till 2027.
11th house from Arudha lagna gives us a clue about the resources from where the country can earn money and the lord should be friendly to other planets who are ready to give money. This is called as FINANCIAL SAMBANDHA.
`11th from arudha lagna is Gemini and the lord is Mars and planet Mars is placed there. We have to see the friendship of Mercury with other planets and also the sign of these planets
Mercury is friendly to Venus and Sun while it is enemy to Moon and neutral to Saturn,Jupiter,Rahu,Mars and Ketu
The sign of these planets are Venus(Libra and Taurus) Sun(Leo) Moon(Cancer) Saturn(Capricorn and Aquarius), Jupiter(Pisces and Sagittarius),Rahu(Aquarius), Mars(Aries and Scorpio) and finally Ketu(Scorpio). In the Narayana dasa we find that they are under Makara-Tula..In Tula we have Jupiter who are neutral to Gemini(Mercury) hence less money while Venus the lord is Friendly to Gemini(Mercury) But here we also find that Venus is heavily afflicated by the presence of Saturn and Sun hence the money is very less or they will find it difficult to arrange money. Note that Venus is the lord of the 7th house also(Partners)