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D-30 Deities and Analysis

In this article we will discuss the deities of the #D30 varga chakra and how to prepare the Varga chakra with rasi as a base.

We are aware that D-30 is a varga chakra of the 3rd cycle(each cycle is of 12 vargas) so 12+12=24+6=30. So 6th house plays a very important role in this varga chakra as 6th denotes #disease and #enemies.These enemies are not of external nature but of Internal which are nothing but our 6 #Weakness(Shadripus). Apart from understanding our weakness we can use this varga chakra for understanding more about the native and his karma.

The deities of the odd signs in this varga chakra are Mars.Saturn,Jupiter,Mercury and Venus and it is in the reverse order for the even signs. Odd signs are Aries,Gemini,Leo,Libra,Sagittarius,Aquarius and Even signs are Taurus,Cancer,Virgo,Scorpio,Capricorn and Pisces.

The elements associated are:






For Odd signs the degrees given to these planets are:

0-5 Mars-Aries

5-10 Saturn-Aquarius




For Even signs the degree given to these planets are in the reverse order:

0-5 Venus-Taurus





Let us plot the #Trimsamsa chart using the rasi chart:

For example let us say Lagna is in Odd sign in Leo at 13d06" which means from the above table we find that Lagna is in the area of Jupiter which is from 10-18 hence the lagna in the Trimsamsa has to go to Sagittarius which becomes Trimsamsa lagna.

If Moon is in 1d28" in the odd sign in Gemini we find that it is in the area of Mars which is of 0-5 degrees hence the Moon goes to the sign of Aries in Trimsamsa.

If Jupiter is in 14d52" in the even sign of Cancer we find that it is in the area of Jupiter himself in the reverse order hence the Jupiter goes to the sign of Pisces(as even sign in the reverse order) in the Trimsamsa

Let us take an example chart try and understand the Trimsamsa along with Rasi chakra

Points which I have considered to understand the D-30 chart viz-a-viz with Rasi chakra

Note:See the 6th lord of the rasi chakra and see how it is placed in the D-30 chakra

Focus on the #Dusthana lords and their lords placed in the rasi and D-30

Planets badly placed in the rasi and D-30 will bring bad results during their periods.

1)Leo lagna lord of the rasi is Sun and Sagittarius Lagna is Jupiter in D-30 hence there is no major conflict in the elements ensuring that native leads a marginally good health.

2)Lagna lord of the D-30 chart is Jupiter nicely placed in 4th house but with a node.Jupiter is the chara Pitrukaraka for the native and being placed in the 4th house along with Rahu denotes some disturbances in the life of the native with his father at the home front.

3)Sun in the 7th house denotes that native will not be happy with his marital life. Sun is a loner(Surya was left alone by his wife and Son)

4)9th lord of the rasi chakra which is Mars is placed in the 5th house in its own house. Father of the native is a mechanical engineer with Gulika which denotes that his father will have to take medicines.

5)Saturn and Jupiter gives mixed results with respect to the relationship of the native with his mother. Saturn denotes sorrow and Jupiter denotes peaceful home atmosphere.Even the grandmother of the native was rich but lost everything in her life due to presence of Saturn with Jupiter.

6)7th lord Mercury is placed in the 11th house of the D-30 chart and with A8 denotes that the spouse will face health related issues in her life and Mercury is the charaka atmakaraka.

7)10th lord of the rasi chakra is placed in the 5th house of D-30 which is good with respect to the career of the native. Trikonas are good in the D-30 chart.

8)Mandi is placed in the lagna in the D-30 chart which denotes that native will face some health related issues in his life. Native at some point of time in his life had to get admitted to the hospital due to various health related issues like stones in the Kidney and accidents.

9)2nd house(assets) lord in th D-30 chart is Saturn with lagna lord Jupiter giving the native a huge house(Yellow color) and very old(age of the building is 59 years).

10)12th house of the rasi chakra is Moon and this is placed in the 5th house of the D-30 varga chakra in the house of children.Moon is in the Agni amsa which denotes anger as Mars is the karaka for the anger

11)Malefics planets rising in the lagna of the D-30 will denote that native himself is responsible for his karma. Rahu and Ketu is rising in the D-30 lagna but Ketu is exalted making the person spiritual.

As per the D-30 chart native was under Moon Mahadasha(8th house lord of the D-30) and during the period of Moon 1992-2002 native had health issues and also met with accidents on the head. Moon is in the sign of Aries(Head as per Kalapurusha)

Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah||||

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