Can Modi become PM of India for 3rd time
In this article let us analyze the chart of Narendra Modi and what is his star foretell about his prospects of becoming the PM of India for the 3rd consecutive time or is it a fall for him
Modi chart is rising with Libra lagna and the lagnesh is Venus in the 11th house with Saturn forming Sanyasi yoga. Saturn is the planet of hard work and Venus is the planet of precision. And these planets are placed in the house of Leo denoting that he will loose his father as Saturn is an enemy to Sun(leo sign) Venus is the lord of the 8th house hence even though he is married at an early age he left his spouse
Now the elections are on and the second phase voting has been completed in some states of India.
The [preaent dasa operating in the chart of Modi is that of Mars and Mars is placed in his own sign Scorpio with 10th lord Moon forming a Chandra Mangala Yoga. Moon got debiliated in this sign of Scorpio(the natural house of death and transformation) and when Modi become the PM of India for the 2nd term Moon gave good results forming Neecha Banga Raja Yoga(If there is a planet debiliated and the owner of the sign where this debiliatation occurs if he is exalted in rasi or navamsa or in its own sign)then the debilittion is cancelled.
Now we see that Mars dasa is operating from 2022-2029 for a period of 7 years and Mars is the co-owner of the sign Vrischika..and the antar dasa operating will be that of Jupiter from August 2023 till July 2024. The results will be decalred by the end of May or June and which ever party wins will declared their Prime Minister.
Now we find that Mars and Jupiter are forming 4/10 axis and also the combined periods are considered as Guru-Mangala Yoga...But here we find that Jupiter is retrograde which is not considered good as it will act as if it is debiliated(Some books say that Jupiter also gets exalted in the sign of Aquarius). There is a parivartana between Jupiter and Rahu and Rahu is his chara Amatyakaraka(note that if any native Rahu as Chara Anatyakaraka he will one day enter into politics). Most of the politicians have this combination with regarding to Rahu being Amk.
Jupiter is in the star of Dhanista whose lord is Mars and Mars is the lord of the 2nd and 7th house in the chart of Modi.
Hence it is a good period for him to contest for the elections and an eligible candidate to become PM of India for the 3rd consecutive time.
Finally the Pratyantara dasa is that of Moon from April 2024 till 2024 May and the combined periods at the time when the elections results will be declared are Mars-Jupiter-Moon..
A5 is rising with Mars and Moon which is the arudha of the 5th house denoting reputation,name and fame while the same Moon is also well placed in the Navamsa chakra in the 5th house denoting his skills sets from his past life..Moon is socieity in the sign of Virgo denoting business mind and accumen for understanding the business aspects.
The Amsasa associated with the dasa lords in the D-10 chart is as follows:
Mars-Anantha-The foremost manifestation of Lord Vishnu is Sankará¹£ana, who is known as Ananta. He is the origin of all incarnations within this material world.
Jupiter-Yama-Yama is the Hindu god of Death and Justice, and is responsible for the dispensation of law and punishment of sinners in his abode, Naraka. Yama is also one of the oldest deities in the pantheon and some of his earliest appearances are found in the Rigveda
Moon-Isana-Ishana is a form of Hindu God Shiva - the destroyer. Ishana form represents the omnipotent and omnipresent god and faces skyward. He is depicted as four-armed god, holding trident, rosary, and skull.
The mot important is Yama as Jupiter is under this amsa in the D-10 chart. Such amsas deals with that activity where native is very strict and straight forward in his words or activities and does not spare anyone for the wrong doings.
Jupiter being a sattvic graha and connected to Yama amsa denotes that native talk very sweety and is often grounded but has a sense of work being done or being strict in his work area.
In the D9 chart the same Jupiter is in Rakshasa Amsa denoting that native will go to any extent to attain his desires.
10th house is the house of our profession and career and also house of our karma. Here in this case of Modi Moon being the lord of the 10th house has moved 5 signs ahead and placed in the sign of scorpio denoting that he has a high chance of becomg the PM of India.
The most latest slogan of BJP is Abki bar 400 par. There should be some connection astrologically as to why this slogan has gained so much popularity. Here in his chart we find that Jupiter and Rahu are echanging their houses. Hence the Antar dasa of Jupiter is giving the result of the 6th house and Rahu is giving the result of the 5th house.Rahu number is associated with 4 as per numerology.
In the Narayana dasa Modi is under Kumbha Maha narayana dasa from September 2021 till 2027 and Jupiter is placed in this sign and rerograde and also it is natural badhaka sign.
in the entry chart of Kumbha from 2024 we find that Jupiter is badly placed in the sign of Aries and it is in the 3rd house from Kumbha which is akin to marana karaka bhaava...Hence it is destroying . 5th house denotes power and in the entry chart lord of the 5th house is Mars and this Mars is exalted in the sign of Capricorn.
Hence it is sure to say that he will be the next PM of India for the 3rd consecutive time
The actual seats what BP may be win will be 360-390
Sarve Jana Sukhino Bhavantu
Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah