Can Modi be the PM in 2024
In this article we will see the prospects of Narendra Modi becoming the PM for the 3rd consecutive time as the PM of India
Before analyzing the chart we need to understand that 5th house represents power and authority as the natural 5th house of Leo(Sun), we also need to see the Chara Amatya-karaka which is also equally important as here Amatya-karaka represents the advisors,employees and the ministers.
When we talk about Politics we have to see the temporary Amk and how it is playing its role in making a person reach the heights. Among the karakas we see that Rahu is very important as Rahu is the head and any scheming or working using brains is done by Rahu hence if a person has Rahu as the Amk then we can say that at some point of time in the life of the native he will become a minister, MLA or MP
Atma karaka, Bhratrikaraka and Amatyakaraka are the people who come into our life to fulfill our dreams hence the planets associated are like humans
Now let us analyze the chart of Narendra Modi
In the above attached chart we find that the rising lagna is Libra which is the natural 7th house of relationship,markets and balance. Most of the astrologer have a opinion that his lagna is Vrischika but it is wrong. We know that Sri Narendra Modi has a flair of understanding the markets and its functions also he has a flair of meeting people which is an attribute of the Libra sign.
Lagna is in Vishaka nakshatra who lord is Jupiter and Jupiter is placed in the sign of Kumbha and retrograde which according to some astrologer is considered good but here it being retrograde hence making it weak as JUPITER CANNOT BE RETROGRADE AS IT A CONSIDERED AS CURSE FROM PAST LIFE. Jupiter is his chara Pitrukaraka and we know that he lost his father in his younger age and he is more attached to his mother.
Moon being the natural karaka for mother is the lord of the 10th house(karma bhava) and being debilitated in the Scorpio sign gives us a clue that he is very close to his mother and become emotional when he is reminded of his.
Moon is stationed in the star of Anuradha and the lord being Saturn also tell us that his mother was a hard working women who has undergone lots of trials and tribulations in her life and Saturn being the natural Ayushkaraka has given her a long life and she passed away when she was 100 years of age(Poorna Ayush)
His UL and A7 lord is Mercury in the sign of Virgo and retrograde which states that his marital life is not good and by the placement of Planet Mercury in the 12th house of exit and losses. His chara Dara karaka is Sun in the 0 degree is considered as Sankranti dosha and again in the 12th house of losses and exit..
8th lord Venus is with 4th and 5th lord Saturn denying good and happy relationship and the yuti of Saturn + Venus is a partial Sanyasi yoga as Ketu is not part of this yoga.
Jupiter being retro denies the children and his chara Putrakaraka Mars is also in the zero degree making it weak.
His 4th lord of happiness which is Saturn is in the 11th house of badhaka for Libra lagna again denoting that no happiness from mother..
Rahu is his chara Amatyakaraka in the 6th house and having Parivartana with Jupiter as Rahu is in the sign of Jupiter and Jupiter in the sign of Rahu...So her we can say that Jupiter is going to give the results of Rahu and Rahu the results of Jupiter.
He was the CM of Gujarat from 2001 t0 2014 the first CM who has served a CM for such longer periods of time...
He won his first election from Rajkot and was CM from 7th Oct 2001 till 22nd December 2002 and the dasa periods operating where Venus-Saturn-Ketu...Note that Saturn is 5th lord also which has given him power but being in the 8th in the Navamsa and 12th in Dasamsa his tenure was very less
Later in the year 22nd December 2002 till 22nd December 2007 he completed his 5 year tenure as CM of Gujarat and here we find the dasa operating was that of Venus-Mercury and Venus is with the Yoga karaka Saturn and antar dasa Mercury is being aspected by the Amatyakaraka Rahu and in the Shookshma dasa period of Rahu which is from 29-1-2002 till 24-12-2002 he took over the reins of the Gujarat as CM
The again in the year 23rd December 2007 till 20th December 2012 he again became the CM of Gujarat and the dasa period was that of Sun-Rahu and here we know that Rahu is his chara Amatyakaraka and the Pratyantara dasa was that of Venus with Yoga karaka Saturn in the 11th house of desires.
In this Moon maha dasa he again became the CM of Gujarat from 202-2014 and Moon is the lord of the 10th house and having Neecha bhanga with Mars...
Mars is aspecting his 5th house by 4th house dristhi and Mars is in the star of Vishaka whose lord is Jupiter and we find that Jupiter is in the 5th house of power.
From 2014 onwards till 2022 he became the PM of India and from 2019 till today in the Mars maha dasa he continues to be PM of India. Note that Mars is with the 110th lord Moon and also Mars is in the star of Jupiter.
In the year 2024 and in the months of April and May General assembly elections are forecoming and in the chart of Narendra Modi we find that Jupiter antar dasa is operating which is in the 5th house of power and authority...Jupiter is in the star of Dhanista who lord is Mars and this Mars is with 10th lord Moon ensuring that he will be back to power in the coming Assembly elections.
But he will not complete his 5 year tenure and may leave his position and path way to a different person thereby giving away his power and authority. I am of the opinion that during the year 2027-2028 he may leave his position and move forward with his life