Business partners
Every business needs some partners as capital investment is required and a single person cannot invest that much of money to start a business
When entering into any business it is very important to understand who are the investors and the relationship of such investor with the main investor who is actually starting the buiness. They are called as PARTNERS IN BUSINESS and it is represented by A7 arudha of the 7th house which is nothing buta reflection of the 7th house
Planets having dristi on th A7 will tell us what type of business partner he or she is and will give us a clue whether the partner is really interested in investing in the business or just a sleeping partner.
Planets which are having direct connection or having rasi dristi or having Abhimukha dristi on the A7 are the direct partners who get involved in the growth of the business while other planetary sight will tell us that such partners are merely interested in partnership but never get involved directly.
Graha dristi is that which occurs when a planet in question is having dristi on the A7 like every planet has a dristi on any of the 12 houses .
Sun has graha dristi on the 7th house
Moon has graha dristi on the 7th house
Mercury has graha dristi on the 7th house
Venus has graha dristi on the 7th house
Mars has graha dristi on 4th and 8th house apart from 7th house
Jupiter has graha dristi on the 5th and 9th house apart from 7th houe
Saturn has graha drist on the 3rd and 10th house apart from 7th house
Rahu has grahas dristo on thr 2nd,12th,5th and 9th house apart from 7th house
Ketu does not have graha dristi as it does not have eyes.
Hence those planets which are having graha dristi such people become partners in the business and the lord of th A7 will indicate the overall prospects of the business or partnership hence if the lord is weak or hammered between malefics or debilitated such partnership or business does not work for a longer period while the lord of the A7 exalted or in own house or in the friends house will prosper.
For checking every partnership we have to move 6 signs from the first A7 hence for example if A7 is Aries then the 2nd partner will be from Virgo and the 3rd partner will be from Aquarius..
The method of ascertaining partners can be done by preparting a Prasna chart and check the A7 and its lords and aspects. Depending on the placement of the lord of the A7 and aspects we can understand as to who are the right people who can invest and make the business grow.
Let us take an example and this is a recent interaction with a client who was worried about his business

In this chart we find that A7 is in Cancer sign and in the 3rd house of initiatives and in the houe of upachaya from the Chandra lagna(Moon) Sun,Moon and Jupiter has rasi dristi on the A7 and no other planets have graha dristi on the A7. Native is alone with no business partners with him and the business is related to IT recruitments. Here IT field is connected to Mercury as it is the planet of communication and it is a prithvi tattwa graha and in the sign of Aries a agni tattwa rasi and is getting burnt. Fire and earth are enemies to each other and also we find that Mercury the lord of the 2nd and th house is heavily afflicted by the aspect of Saturn on Mercury by the 10th house dristi.Even though the dispositor of the A7 which is Moon here is exalted but still it is with Sun in close proximity creating Amavasya dosha. Native business is under loss for the reason being that Maha dasa lord is Jupiter and in with lagna but he is also 8th lord(bad debts and past life bad deeds) and also the antar dasa is that of Venus the karaka for the business and also the market is in Meena rasi exalted but conjoined two malefics Mars and Ketu forming Pisacha badha and also Venus is in the star of Revati whose lord is Mercury in the 12th house of losses. Asked the native to diversify his business as IT inudstry is not his business. And in fact he has confirmed that he is heavy losses unable to pay his staff...

In the Navamsa chakra also Venus is in the 6th house of Capricorn along with Mars and Moon. Venus is well placed in the Dasamsa chakra in the 10th house and also we find that 7th lord of business Jupiter is also well placed in the 10th house of Gemini in the D-10 chakra that is the reason he has not closed his business but rather in troubles due Rasi placement of Jupiter and Venus.