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BJP and downfall of Pakistan

In this article we will discuss about the BJP forming government at the centre and the downfall of Pakistan

In the year 2014 May BJP won huge seats at the Rajya and Loksabha and formed government at the centre and at that time Pakistan was 47 years of age 2014-1967=47 and we started seeing the downfall of Pakistan. Is this a coincidence or was it a destiny of the country already written in the books

Let us examine the chart based on the method where we will ccunt the years from 0-12 fore aach sign and see how many age has elpased for the down fall of any country and in this caes it is pakistan.

Here I have taken 3 charts and the first one is of India, second is that of Pakistan and third is that of Modi who is the present PM of india

Pakistan was created when it got seperated from India in the same year. At the time when pakistan was 47 years of age in the year 2014 when BJP came to power we will see which sign got activated and who was responsible for the downfall of Pakistan.

The lagna rising in Pakistan is that of Taurus and we take the 12th house as the 12 years and the next sign comes to the 13th year age of Pakistan and so on till we reach 47 years.

0-12 years is Aries

12-24 is Taurus

24-36 is Gemini

36-48 is Cancer

In the chart of Modi the sign cancer is that of the 10th house where he came to power as Moon even though debiliated in the signof Vrischika it is with Mars creating Chandra Mangala Yoga and also it is connected to Rudra as it is in the 6th from Arudha lagna. Such native cannot be taken light as they are bliessed by the power of Rudra and can destroy anybody coming in their path.

Now aftrer 2014 since the formation of government of BJP at the centre in India we are at 2024 and the age of Pakistan is 67 years and when we count the signs where we ended we find that for Pakistan Scorpio got activated where Ketu is placed and Ketu denotes headless activity and Ketu is in the Maraka house(7th is considered as Maraka/death) and for India the age 67 years comes to Libra where Jupiter is placed and Jupiter in the 7th house gives excellent results as the country would geet name and fame and also it will become the largest market place for other countries. Note that Jupiter even though placed in the 7th house still acts like Maraka(death like situation)

For this age we find that the lagna of Modi is rising in Libra where when we superpimpose the chart of Pakistan we get Jupiter in the same sign Libra. Hence we know that Modi is giving a death blow to Pakistan. but for India where Taurus lagna is rising he is standing like 1000 elephants(Jupiter is called GAJA)

The other things we notice that Venus is Rudra for Pakistan and the sign associated with Venus is Taurus and Libra..

We also find that in the chart of Pakistan where Taurus sign is having A6(arudha of the enemy) we also find that in the same sign India lagna is that of Taurus, This means that Pakistan has considered India as its enemy.

And in the chart of India A6 is rising and here it is not considering Pakistan as its eternal enemy but rather it is considering CHINA as its enemy as the lagna rising for CHINA chart is that of Capricorn where A6 is rising


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