Birth Time rectification
An important role of a Jyotish is to rectify the birth chart before addressing the client issues
There are many methods where Birth time rectification hence forth called as BTR and these methods and also some good known researchers on Jyotish have got their books printed on BTR and these are:
Paul Manley
PS Sastri
K Hariharan
Apart from the above new researchers like Krishna Murthi in this KP system have given their own ways of dealing with this subject matter
If we do not know the birth time of the native then it is better to check with their parents and take the birth time and then start adjusting the time and still if we do not have the clients time of birth then take 12:00 Hrs as default time of birth and change the lagna forward or back wards depending on the incidences taken in the life of the native
If still there is no time of birth of the native then take the Moon sign as lagna and start predicting the events but this is not a full fledged analysis as we know that Moon take 2 and half days to change the sign hence there could many people born on a day when the Moon is a partifulcar sign.
The next method which is correct is called as Tattwa sdhodahana method and as per this method we know that each of the planet is associated with a tattwa(element) among the 5 and a gist of such association is given
Sun and Mars=Fire
Moon and Venus=Water
Rahu and Saturn do not have any element associated as they are not considered as planets
For a female chart Moon,Venus and Saturn controls the birth while Sun,Mars,Mercury,Jupiter controls the male chart
As per this method the BTR can be done for a 3 minute change from the existing time birth and for the sub period it can changed to 12 seconds.
As the above procedure is very cumbersone and is calculation based it is better to follow the incident based rectification.
For this we have to first take the time of birth and cast the horoscope and draw the rasi chart and then move down to the D-24 chart which is very sensitive to the time change and ask the client as to what was his studies and for this we have to see the following:
4th house and lord for the primary education
6th house and lord for the secondary education
9th house and lord for the higher eduation
and also check whether the native excelled,average or was there a total break in his education and then change the lagna based on these indicidences
Onece you change the time of birth and check with your client then go to the Dasamsa chakra and check his career failures or prospects and then finally go to Navamsa and then make some minor tweeks and confirm the events with the clients
For example:
Planets in the trines to Navamsa lagna as those skills which are by default given to the native
Planets in the artha trikona are those which enshres that native is blessed with a career or profession
Planets in the 7th house tells about the baghya of the native with respect to marriage
Planets in the 10th house will ensure that during such periods native will get a job
Planets in the 6th,8th or 12th house will brings obstacles or dangers in the life of the native
As per other method given by KP system we need to see the following:
Mother bear the child for 9 months and later the child is delivered but here the seed is from the father which is denoted by the 9th house hence we have to see some link when the time rectificatio is done the lagna star lord is linked or same to the star lord or sub lord of the 9th cus[
Rectified lagna sub lord is appearing in the 9th bhava as star or sub lord
So first check all the above information before going ahead with the chart analysis and also used the right dasa sequence for correcct analysis
