Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi(BCP)
In my recent years of study in Jyotish I rely most on Vimshottari dasa or Narayana dasa. Compared to the latter dasa the former one is very complicated and difficult to understand as it has many dasa layers like MD,AD,PD,SD,PaD and so and there is a need for the time to be rectified before analyzing the natives life. The process is very complicated and cumbersome. This is when I stumbled upon this new technique called as BCP which is unique in nature and does not rely on any dasa periods but rather it mainly focuses on Houses. Here one thing I would like to mention that any system which is practised they are originated from the Jyotish itself as with understanding the basics it is difficult to understand any system be it KP,Nadi,BSP or BCP.
Here I would like to mention about BCP.The uniqueness of this system is that it takes houses in account and then move forward in the clockwise direction as the age of the native advances.
We have 12 signs hence at the time of the birth of native which ever sign the Ascendant falls it is taking as the first house and the age of the native starts at 1 year and goes on till the 12th sign is considered where the native age will be 12th year.
The below image will give us an ample idea as to how to map the age of the native in the chart(Chart image taken from an article related to BCP)...
When analyzing the BCP all the rules of Jyotish to be taken into considered like:
Bhavat Bhavam
Transit of malefics and benefics
Planetary aspects on the houses and the corresponding age of the native
Some examples will help us to understand how this system works:
Note:Take the lord of the year and treat it as the Lagna and analyze the chart.
Native got married in the year 1994 and when deducted from 1967 the original date of birth of the native we get 27 years. If we remove the multiples of 12 from 27 here we find that 3rd house gets activated.Mars and ketu are placed in the the sign of Tula rasi and Mars is the native chara darakaraka and Mars is also the dispositor of the 9th house which is the house of dharma and marriage is a dharma in the Hindu religion..Rahu aspects these two planets by graha drishti and here we also find that Rahu is the primary lord of the 7th house(Kumbha rasi)
Native met with an accident after a period of 1 year of the marriage and it was during the year 1996 and deducting the year of birth from 1995(1995-1967) and native was 28 years of age. The sign which got activated was Vrischika rasi a natural 8th house as per the Zodiac and the lord is Mars and Ketu placed in the sign of Libra and 12th from 4th house.. Mars is the lord of the Mesha rasi which is the head of Kalapurusha and native had a major head injury during this time...Note that Rahu is also aspecting this planet by graha dristi...Ketu is also conjoined Mars and in the movable sign. Native met with the accident while travelling from office to house. Libra is a movable sign...
The below table gives us the Rulers as per the Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi
Age Planet
0-12 Moon
13-24 Mercury
25-36 Venus
37-48 Sun
49-60 Mars
61-72 Jupiter
73-84 Saturn
85-96 Rahu
97-108 Ketu
Hence corresponding to the event and corresponding to the year take the lord as per the table given above and check the planetary placement..
Again taking the birth of the child as an example it was in the age of 28 that native was blessed with the birth of his first child...27 year comes to 3rd house.The corresponding ruler of this age is Venus placed in lagna and 11th from the 3rd house which is fulfilment of desire and here it is child birth...Venus is Semen and when we take this lord as the starting point the child will come into the native life from the 5th house(biological child).The time line operating was Jupiter-Ketu-Jupiter...
The 2nd child was born in the year 2001 and the age of the native at that time was 34 and the corresponding year lord is again Venus. The first child is seen from 5th and 2nd child is seen from 7th house as per Jyotish and here the 7th from Venus is Kumbha rasi whose lord is Rahu The corresponding years are as follows:
Vimsottari Dasa:
Jup MD: 1988-03-23 (12:24:20) - 2004-03-23 (14:52:10)
Mars AD: 2000-11-25 (5:53:21) - 2001-11-01 (15:33:42)
Ven PD: 2001-07-21 (3:52:26) - 2001-09-17 (7:20:19)
Rah SD: 2001-08-11 (3:19:53) - 2001-08-19 (21:05:52)