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Bangladesh Present and Future

In my previous article on Bangladesh where I took the oath taking ceremony chart of Mohd Younus the present Interim PM of that country and also explained what is in store for the country

I am attaching the link to my previous post for your reading

Now I will be using the Birth chart of Bangladesh and analyze the chart

The chart is rising with Aqurius lagna where we find Mars is placed and he is the lord of he 3rd house of agr4ssion and 10th house of ruler and the ruiling party.We also find that Rahu the lagnesh is badly placed in the 12th house along with Mandi and Gulika.

Mandi and Gulika cannot be ignored as these are the chaya grahas and are the sons of Saturn the karaka for death and disease. So if we find that the lagnesh is with Mandi and Gulika is never good for the country or any entity or natives

12th is always the house of losses and exit and distrubance. Rahu is also the karaka for sudden things happening and also lagnesh in 12th denotes enemies who are working from the backstage.

The secndary lord of Aquarius is also Saturn and it is in the house of happiness the 4th house which is placed in the sign of Taurus..

In the chart we also find that the 10th house is heavily afflicted by the presence of 6th lord Moon ad 8th lord Mercuy and also here Mercury is retrograde. Mercury deotes studets who will be adamant and will never listen...

We also find that the Virgo which is 8th house of the natal chart we find that Mars ad Rahu are aspectinng this house hence there will lots of death and destruction in the country and transformations happening

now as per the Narayana dasa we find that Gemini dasa is operating and Gemini is the lord of the th house (future and the citizens of the country) is retragrade and the 7th house of opposite people is badhaka bhava and the badhakea is Jupiter in the Vrsichika rasi the sign of secret and enemies from Gemini sign.

Also note that the tithi is Krishna Chaturdasi and the lord is Venus with 7th lord Sun ad the 4th and 9th lord Venus. And this Venus is placed in the sign of its enemy which is Jupiter and Saggitarius. Sun is very weak in the chart i the 0 Zero fromig Sankranti Dosha and in the star of Moola whose lord is Ketu...

Thr antar dasa of Saggitarius is also operating from 16.7.2024 till 16.12.2024. For Gemini Saggitarius is Maraka and badhaka hence the issue cropped up for this country.

This will contine for another 7 years

As per the Vimshottari dasa Sun is operating ad from there we find that Rahu is placed and this will destroy the economy of the nation in the year to come..

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