Atma is soul and karaka is the significator of the soul. Hence Atmakaraka(AK is the short term) is the charakaraka in which a single planet with the highest degree is termed as AK. In Jyotish AK is considered the king of the chart. Pt Sanjay Rath Ji says that the AK is the king of the chart and not for the native. Hence it is absurd to understand that AK makes you a king.But in other sense AK being the king of the chart denotes that a major karma is associated with the planet being an AK and the native has to bear the burden of such Atma.
Past life Amatyakaraka becomes the present life Atmakaraka. Amatya denotes Minister and it will helps us to determine the profession we are going to do in a life. When we say work we mean that it is connected to Karma and depending on what karma we would have done in our past the same planet becomes AK for the present life.
It is important to understand the following points when we try to understand AK
1)Malefics as the AK denotes a high level of spirituality whereas the benefics denotes low level of Spirituality
2)Dasa of the AK gives suffering specially when it is a malefic planets and the sign occupied by the planet(AK) and those aspecting the AK great achievement are indicated.
3)Retrograde AK denotes a deep desire as it is from the past life.
4)Vargottama AK is good provided it does not occupy the dusthanas in rasi and Navamsa
Planets which become AK gives us the following insights:
Sun=Native should overcome his egoistics tendencies
Moon=Native should learn to be compassionate and caring
Mars=Native should try to control his anger and be away from such tendencies
Jupiter=Native should respect his Guru
Mercury=Native should try to be true at all times and use his words properly without hurting anybody
Venus=Native should have a clean character
Saturn=Native should take sorrow and not to give sorrow to others
Rahu=Even though native is cheated he should be clean and refrain from cheating others
6th and 8th houses from AK are considered enemies to the AK.If for example native AK is in Gemini then Vrischika and Capricorn are the enemies to the AK and if the native natal lagna is Leo then 6th from AK is 4th from lagna and 8th from AK is 6th from Lagna.
The first Job natives enters is always associated with the Atma karaka and then Amatyakaraka
4th denotes happiness which the native should not expect and 6th denotes services which the native has to face all sorts of obstacles. Native should try and learn to look for alternative sources for earning.
Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah|||
