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The first nakshatra of the 27 nakshatras is Aswini and the degree associated with this star is 0d0seconds to 13d20seconds and the first pada of Aswhini goes to Aries of the Navamsa chakra which means if the degree of a planet in the rasi is in 0d0s-3d20s then such planet is placed in the Aries sign of the Navamsa chakra

Aswhini is ruled by Ketu and the devata associated is Aswhini Kumaras who are considered as doctors of the sky. The animal associated with Ashwini is Horse which is swift in nature and has the capacity to run faster like a wind.

Horse is a very intelligent and sensitive animals and can sense the emitions of the human being. They are loyal and hardworking animals known to the animal kingdom.

Ashwini kumars being the doctors of the sky hence any person born in this star are good healers and can be doctors who can cure diseases..

They can be surgeons of the best kind..Ashwini people are bound by Trigunas which is Raas,Tamas and Sattvic.

Ashwini star people are those who are very swift and light and mentally they are very strong and cunning in nature and Ashwini is Deva Gana among the three ganas

Bramha is connected to Aswhini star hence these star people have cretive abilities of any kind and additionally they are action oriented people

People born in Aswhini star are more of passive nature and they are very receptive kind of people which means they are those people who have the capacity to hear people patiently and resolve the issues.

They are very dharmic in nature and the body parts connected to this star is Upper part of both the knees...When coming to the dosha associated Ashwini is more of Vatta which means windy type of people..Such people look for mobility and change in their life and have a balance approach to every thing they see in their life.They very lively and enthusiast and open minded people..

Ashwini people are merchants and the gotra is MARICHI henc praying to MARICHI is best for them as it is the ancestors whom they are praying and asking for help or forgiveness.These people are mostly connected to earth the PRITHVI TATTWA and the direction is always forward and straight just like an HORSE which always looks straight and forward

As I said earlier that Ashwini is horse and also it is SWAN when a bird is associated with this star which means such people are known to distinguish between good and bad.The direction of Ashwini is SOUTH AND it is MANDA LOCHANA where they are capabale of finding a lost items within 3 to 4 days of time.

Aswhini star sounds are chu, Ashwini is associated with BLOOD RED. The Bheeja sound associated with Ashwini is Om Aam and Om Im.

Ashwini rules the head and the brains of the native. When coming to Marriage Aswhini peole should not marry HASTA and SWATI star people as they are considered inmical to Aswhini and Ashwini born people acquire expertise in any one of the musical instruments.

Aswhini star people love their hairs and they try different styles with their hairs.Ashwini born people are experts in Agricultural product and also use Atadvaveda for healing purposes

Some occupations connected to ashwini born people


Horse attendents


Horse groms



Commander of army



Ashwini born people should pray to DWIJA GANAPATHI to reduce their problems and money related issues and attain materialistic benefits

Ashwini people have a good nose and they are fond of getting their nose corrected.

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