Analysis of D-10 chakra
In this chart we will analyze D-10 varga chakra with respect to career and profession
In this chart we find that the 10th house lord is Venus and it is placed in the 10th house of the D-10 but debilitated which denotes that native will face issues in his career and the attitude of the native towards his career has to be seen from the D-10 lagnesh and here it is Jupiter which is exalted but with Rahu forming a GURU-CHANDAL YOGA. If you see Rahu is Vargottama as it placed in both D-10 and Navamsa chakra in the same sign.
The chara Amatyakaraka for the native is Sun and it is placed in the sign of its exaltation in the D-10 and in the rasi chakra it is in the 11th house combusting Mercury and Moon and being with Moon it is creating ECLIPSE YOGA which appears before the day of Amavasya.
As per the panchanga at the time of native birth is is VISTI KARNA and this is a malefic karana which is not suitable for the native career and the karana lord is SATURN being placed in the 8th house but in the watery sign.The same Karana lord is also placed in the Taurus sign of D-10 with A8(obstacles in career) and also we find that the dispositor of Saturn(Venus) is not well placed in the D-10 chart making the D-10 chart weak in all aspects.
There is a simhasana yoga in the rasi chakra as 10th lord is in lagna(the seat or throne) and it is placed in the 11t
h house of of the D-10 chart in its own sign with Mercury the chara Atmakaraka..Native took his work very seriously as AK conjoined with Venus..
During the year 2011 onwards native life started changing as his career graph started falling down and native worked for some third party companies. The dasa period is that of Rahu-Saturn and the antar dasa lord Saturn is placed in the 8th house of the rasi chakra and the Maha dasa lord is with lagnesh Jupiter of the D-10 chart creating disturbances in the work area.
Note that Rahu is the 7th lord of the rasi chakra(Opposite people) and Saturn the antar dasa lord is the lord of the 2nd(maraka) being placed in the 6th house of career and service. And when the dasa period of Rahu-Venus arrived native left the job totally due to some personnel issues at the home front. Venus debilitated in the D-10 chart and with Gulika and since 2013 till 2022 native has no job..
The present dasa period is that of Mars from 2020 and here we find that Mars is 4th lord in the rasi chakra with HL(money point) and in the Navamsa it is in 4th house(vargottama) and with Lagnesh Moon and in the D-10 chakra it is 11th house and in the sign of Venus and again we find that Venus is not helping the native in any way to get a job.
Native is living on the resources which he is earning through rents of his property...Saturn in the 8th house helped him to get inherited property from mother and Mars and Ketu being the lords of the 4th house(built up property) is generating money for the native.
Sree lagna is in the star of Revati whose lord is Mercury and Mercury is placed in his own sign Gemini...
What native has done in his past life which has effected his present life has to be seen in the D-60 chart. Sun is debilitated in the sign of Libra and this Sun is the chara Amatyakaraka and also it is the lord of the 11th house(desires and friends) of his past life .This would also mean that some issue with respect to diety which he would have insulted or done something bad in his life...
Native is still Jobless as on today....
