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Amazing Human body

Human body is amazing when we understand it from the Jyotish point of view. Each and every part of our body is associated with 5 elements(Pancha Tattwa) and also every part of the human body is connected to one of the 12 signs.

Human body is like a temple itself with a in built fire called as AGNI This is the fire element hence our body has a fire like element embedded in our body hence the average temperture of our body is always constant (98.6 F) and the blood which flows in our body the temperature is also the same.

The soul which is there in our body which we called as ATMA is very minute in nature in the size of thumb and when we try to measure it from the view point of a spark plug it is said that the soul is measure in the scale of 1/10000 of the spark of the spark plug.

Our body is made of 5 element and each of the part is connected to an element and these are

Bones-Earth element and Sun is the lord

Blood-Water element and Moon is the lord

Skin-Earth element and Mercury is the lord

Semen-Water element and Venus is the lord

Fat-Ether element and Jupiter is the lord

Hair-Earth element and Saturn is the lord

Breath-Vayu element and Saturn is the lord

Both the yes are connected to Fire element and here one eye is connected to Sun and other is connected to Moon as these eyes are used to see the world in the day and night time

The middle eye is also the fire element and this is the third eye which every one is having and lot of efforts are required to open this eye(Once it is open we can see the past ,present and future)

Now coming to the 12 signs:




Cancer-Heart and lungs

Leo-Intestine and Spinal chord


Libra-below naval

Scorpio-Private parts



Aquarius-Calf region of the legs


Each of the signs are divided into 3 hence the body is divided into 36 parts which we can see as per the drekkana chakra

Each drekkana chakra is of 10 degrees hence the body is divided into 3 different sectors

the first part of the body is of 0-10 then we have 10-20 then it will be 20-30

The left part of the body is ruled by the first 10 degree

The middle part is ruled by the next 10 degrees

The final part is ruled by the last 10 degrees

Hence in order to understand the diseases associated with the body Drekkana chakra is very important.

Any sign which is assciated with a malefic planet then we can say that part of the body is troubled by disease Like for example let us say that Rahu in the sign of Cancer denotes that native will suffer from unknown disease which will effect the lungs and heart

We also know that there are 7 chakras which are the power houses of our body

The lowerst chakra is Mooladhara while the highest chakra is Sahastra

The part of the body from the waist to the legs are associated with Mooladhara and as our legs are connected to the earth the Color of this Mooladhara is RED IN COLOR and in the shape of Triangle and this is associated with FIRE If the Mooladhara chakra is weak then we should know that resources are limited for our survival

While the Sahastra is the top level chakra and is associated with ETHER and yellow in colour and this is the seat of Bramha (1000 petal lotus) and once this is open we reach heights of our spiritual existence.

Vishudha chakra is of the THORAT REGION and associated with our voice and this is BLUE IN COLOR. If this chakra is blocked we will have issues with respect to communication and self expression.

The sex chakra is also called as Called as Sacral chakra and the color is ORANGE

The top level chakra lord is Jupiter while the lowest level chakra which is Mooladhara the lord is Ganesha.

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